Solo Arc Contest




I'm holding a contest for soloable MA arcs, details in my post in the Creative forum (link is in the signature).



Well, this is to good to be true. Let me add one for your workload.

It's Love Spurned. ID: 1934
When you run through Pocket D suddenly this little colorful guy attracts your attention with his frantic shouts and movements. You stop and listen to what he has to say. Bad mistake.

For heroes (or villains who want to know why it is a bad idea to try to be heroic). It is soloable (i even recommend to solo it), contains no funny evil EB's or AV's.

Please use the system from this Forum to send me any remarks as I cannot receive any remarks from the USA



You know that the US can't send us messages here either right?



Well the OP can post messages to this thread, so he can send messages to one of the other people on this forum as well.



Not sure I understand what you mean. The OP has an account on the EU forums. Hence the EU post, If you only have a US account you can't message EU. The same as how the EU can't message the US.

Something that has been proven by the inability of the EU to give feedback to US players and vice-versa.