Energy or Super Strength?




Hey guys,

I could use a little help here, I'm stuck in a choice between super strength and energy for my new tanker, hes going to have invulnerability primary definately though.

The problem I have is I like both sets, but I want something that can perform well in PvP as well as PvE.

Im drawn to Energy because of the two heavy attacks (total focus and energy transfer) which would be awesome in PvP im thinking, plus the slightly lower resists of Energy damage in PvP but im drawn to super strength because of Rage and the lack of glowy pink pom poms of doom.

Any help making the choice please?



Superstrength I have first hand experience with. The primary advantages are, in my view:
- Good ToHit due to Rage means less slotting for accuracy and to hit is necessary. Rage also boosts non-powerset powers, such as the power pool attacks.
- A good ranged attack with -Fly in Hurl will, together with a ranged attack from the APPs, allow decent ranged damage output.
- KO blow, with it's Hold component and KnockUp will send anyone not slotted with KB protection IOs OR using click KB protection powers flying. The somewhat greater than usual melee range also means it's easier to fire off.

As for Energy Melee I've fought opponents with the set quite often, though less recently as Superstrength has gotten much more popular. My impressions are:
- Very good burst damage.
- Energy part of damage is not as critical now: resistances are more even across the board in PvP than in PvE these days. Tough grants +Res(All) in PvP now, as an example.
- The stuns, which are many and frequent, will interrupt an opponents attack chains. As soon as someone is stunned, it is not possible to queue attacks: it may be that queued attacks are unqueued as well, but on that point I'm uncertain. Against an attentive opponent, this may not be as large an advantage but it will irritate the opponent.

In a comparison, I would say that Energy Melee still hits harder than Superstrength. It does depend on what metric you use though, and the amount of IOs you are willing to put into the build. The short term burst damage of Energy Melee can be very useful against opponents relying on regeneration, whereas the steady DPS of Superstrength works slightly better against heavily armoured opponents without much regeneration.
On that topic, choosing Energy Melee will likely mean a heavier focus on accuracy and ToHit than Superstrength. You'll have a greater need for things like Focused Accuracy, IO Accuracy bonuses, the Kismet IO and/or Tactics than if you had Rage. High-defense opponents may be problematic otherwise.

Keep in mind my impressions above is current performance though. PvP rules and power effects in PvP are still being adjusted: what's best now might not be best after the next issue. A few issues ago, Energy Melee was held to be head and shoulders above everything else regarding single target damage. With that in mind, if you are in for the long haul, I'd just pick the set you prefer based on aesthetics, concept or similar. If you know you usually stay with a character for only a couple of months though, then current performance can be important.



See I came to more or less the same conclusion.

One point you did miss there though, was the fact that super strength has a ranged attack and energy doesnt. Hurl is a handy power to have in my experience just in case of fliers or runnners, the -fly can really stop someone dead if thats the only travel they have.

That being said, I'm thinking I'l most likely go energy, just because I have played a super strength before, whilst energy would be something new.



I did mention Hurl and it's -Fly, although admittedly I did not mention Energy Melee lacking ranged attacks in the comparison.
I could add that Superstrength performs rather well in the PbAOE department compared with Energy Melee due to Footstomp. That would be more of a PvE concern than a PvP one, though it does come in handy for Masterminds.

I agree about Hurl being useful for fliers and runners, to a certain extent. The caveats, again in my impression, are:
- It does not work very well against Hover.
- For runners, unless they are very low on health so that a single hit will finish them off, it is only useful at times. I base that on the knockback not being 100% reliable: an armoured opponent or one equipped with IO sets will not be affected at all, and others will only be knocked down occasionally. If they are, you'll be able to close in on them though.

One large advantage of Hurl is that it allows a tank to have almost a complete ranged attack chain given certain power choices. I find that the combination of Hurl, veteran Nemesis Staff and Laser Beam Eyes means I will usually have a ranged power ready to use (with some gaps).

I applaud your reasoning behind the decision to go with Energy Melee: it is a game after all and if you think you'll get more fun out of a new powerset you haven't tried before than Superstrength, then it's definitely the better choice.

Have fun with your new Tanker.



1 thing still very very very annoying with EM, the stun bug. Specialy with whirling hands it often occur a mob get stunned and suddenly walks 10-20yrd away from me. Total focus is imho too long, perhaps equaly to KO blow but it feels longer. The new ET animation is nice, works good and does great damage.

I love the knockdown in SS, footstomp is plain godlike (and just looks awsome )

I have em both, i like em both. PvP wise i think EM will be better, due 2 high ST damage powers but also due stacking of stun (like the tsoo... annooooooying).

Inv/SS is a very commmon 'superman' set, and if you played /ss already, EM is a very nice alternative

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

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Well I've got to level 16 now and i understand what you mean with the stun thing, although it is handy to take one enemies focus off you for a few seconds while you beat up another one.

Im enjoying the set anyway so far and even though its a mainly single target focussed set, exceptions being taunt and whirling hands, i havent really struggled agro wise.

I think its going to work out fine thanks for the advice



True, specialy the 100% stun power is great on that.

But later on, in party with a ice blaster or any troller, less and less to worry about. Added, only few ranged powers have stun abilities, unlike hold. KO blow is slightly better on those cases since it does hold.

But, pompom's just look great

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

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Hey guys,

I could use a little help here, I'm stuck in a choice between super strength and energy for my new tanker, hes going to have invulnerability primary definately though.

The problem I have is I like both sets, but I want something that can perform well in PvP as well as PvE.

Im drawn to Energy because of the two heavy attacks (total focus and energy transfer) which would be awesome in PvP im thinking, plus the slightly lower resists of Energy damage in PvP but im drawn to super strength because of Rage and the lack of glowy pink pom poms of doom.

Any help making the choice please?

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You really got to decide on a couple of things.
Firstly, yes En tranfer and total focus are (even after the nerf) awesome and S/S can't match the combo.

But, you have to play 34 levels without a really decent attack before you get to transfer. So, what's your patience like?

Secondly, the aoe on SS is far superior and makes for a better alround Tanker.

You have to bear in mind, however, that for all rages virtues, its crash every two minutes does mitigate against that.

So, my conclusion is, If you want a one on one damage dealer then (allowing for patience) Energy Melee is the way to go.

If you want a little more of an all round Tanker, not quite as strong but can make up some of the damage via aoes, then it's super strength.

My SS Tanker mops up minions faster but maybe not so efficiently...

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

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