Badge-o-meter for selling

Lady Arete



Noticed on my characters that the badge meter for selling stuff at Wentworths/Blackmarket seems a bit... of track. I have a character for example who's next sell badge is 500 items. The meter says "159 (63.60%) of 250 comlete". On another toon it said something like 324/1000 for a "sell-5000-items-badge". Huh?



One thing i've noticed on the higher badges like 1000, 2000 and 3000 (etc)...
lets say i got the 2000 badge on a character, the next one will thus need only 1000 sales right?
True, cause it will not count the previous ones (thats why the badge-o-meter is a bit on the low side (should have shown over half right? Not with the new system)

hmm what i typed could be misinterpreted.
Instead of showing progress of previous sales it goes sort of with this formula "new total of sales for next badge" subtract the previous badge total = What is needed and shown at the badge-o-meter.
Thus I have the 2699 sales (only shows 699 on the badge-o-meter) what i need for the next badge is 301 sales. And that is what the badge-o-meter will show.

Is this the case with you MajorPain?

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



It could very well be, didn't even think about it... will check!