Inf Plotline Prep: In The Land of The Blind




((This is going to be a collection of different pieces leading towards the plotline i'm bringing up, which has formed from the now evident murder of Assassion by Infinitron during the 'Last Stand' open RP plotline. Will be newspaper articles, news reports, rumours and such. Feel free to add own reactions to the over zealous nature involved)).

Featured as a first or second page article in most Paragon Newspapers

Steel Assassinations
3 more bodies were discovered last night with single gunshot wounds to the head, in what appears to be the 9th murder in the last 2 days. The three bodies have not been identified, but sported the mystical tattoos of the Tsoo clan. The last 6 bodies have all been identified as wanted criminals, previous inmates and escapees of the Zig Penintentiary Facility.
The murders seem to have been carried out with a high caliber rifle.
City officials deny any involvement, and that none of the cities licenced heroes have come forward to have been involved; leading us to think that there is a vigilante out there taking matters into their own hands.
We wait to see how many more bodies will be found before the perpetrator is discovered.



Edward had managed to grab a hold of the Paragon times newspaper while on a bank job, he always did like to keep abreast of things going on in his favorite city.

He smiled when he saw the papers, "hmm...looks like it's more common than I know...I could use this to my advantage and protect the Heroes of Paragon city...then I'd have some blackmail material over one of them..."

He folded the paper, "hmm...perhaps I should prepare for a informational one this time..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Sean threw the paper down onto the coffee table as he got up from the sofa he was sitting on "Ok.. now I know im meant not to be the best at seeing a patten in somethings but that sounds far to much like what happend on the fort.."
"How you mean? what happend?" Gemme asked still sitting on the sofa looking over at him.
"Something that shouldn't of." Sean replied walking over to his desk and sitting on the chair there infront of the flat screen computer.
"Thats not an answer Sean." Gemme frowned at him swinging herself about so to peer over at him from the sofa.



The city was a buzz with talk of the strange announcement that had appeared in the papers and on news reports;
"...and for the troops in the middle east.
In a more local story, business tycoon Joseph Infinus, who it was revealed earlier this year was the hero of the city Infinitron, has an announcement to make. He hasn't issued a statement though, but has bought up a 5 minute slot on every channel, including this one, for 8:00 Saturday the 10th of January, this coming Saturday.
Considering his last public declaration was him revealing his identity and going into early retirement, only to be called back on the Rikti invasion, people are very interested in what he is going to say. No contact has yet been made with Mr. Infinus, so it seems we may have to wait until Saturday for our answers.
The time is coming up on 8:13, over to Sally with the weather..."



"Turned out it wasn't him Sir, just some cape called Venturian - wears silver and a red cape" said the Agent to his stern faced superior.
"Ok, keep up the work, we need to find him before Saturday, especially after what I just learnt in Galaxy" muttered Agent Grant.
"Sir?" the Agent questioned.
"Dismissed" Grant said firmly.

Looking down at the file in his hand, Grant rubbed the bridge of his nose. Looks like he wasn't getting back to Alice and the kids tonight either. Glancing up, his eyes rested on the Infinicorp. building, 2 blocks down.
Whilst I'm here, he thought to himself and set off towards the building, sub conciously checking for his weapon and tucking the file under his arm.

((Sorry to the person who has a toon called Venturian (if they exist), made it up on the Spot))



Walking into the lobby, Agent Grant looked up at the damage strewn walls, and moved toward the 'receptionist' bot.
"Infinicorp. offices are currently closed. Please use the website for any correspondence. Mr. Infinus is not available, nor are any other staff" it said monotonously.

"Open the lift doors, Agent Grant, FBI. I need to see Mr. Infinus immediately" he announced showing his badge to the bot.

"I'm sorry Agent Grant, but Mr. Infinus is unavail..." the bot began and then stopped.
"Please go straight up" it the uttered, as the lift doors slid open.
"Thankyou" he replied as he stepped into the lift, the doors sliding shut and the lift rising expediently to the top floor.

As the doors opened, the figure of Joseph Infinus, in his Infinitron armour could be seen sat at a large desk in the dimly lit room, with plastic sheeting on the floors and scaffolding around the walls.
"Good evening sir. I am Agent Grant, FBI" he once again announced.
Infinitron just sat there staring at the Agent. Grant stepped forward closer to the hero.
"I am afraid that I am going to have to take you into custody for breaking the rules of your hero licence, and for the murder of the individual known as Assassion" he said, reaching to his belt and unholstering his sidearm,
"Of course, you resisted arrest, and were threatening towards me; and I acted in self defense and had to put you down. Before you go, the Marcone family says Goodbye" and with that he raised the pistol and put two rounds through the helmet of the hero. A smile crossed his face as he thought about the massive contract he had just pulled off; he could now retire in peace and spend time with his family.

"Well you can tell them Thanks for thinking of me when you see them next" came a voice from behind the Agent that made his eyes go wide and his heart race.
The last thing he heard was the clicking back of the hammer on the Beretta M92F; a dull click and a thwup; and the agent slumped forwards to the floor, on the plastic sheet which neatly collected the pooling blood.
Kneeling down beside the body, Joseph Infinus muttered,
"not today, not today", before walking over to his suit and removing the empty damaged helmet.
"Damn, wished he'd gone for the chest; ah well i have spares" he commented as holstered the pistol, and glanced back at the body, "let's get you cleaned up".



((due to unforeseen circumstances and some foreseen circumstances (i had a change of mind of something important) pretend that the above announcements for Saturday (today) actually are for Sunday the 11th. If I'm going to do this, i'm going to do it properly and how i want it, not rush it out half cocked. Back to the workhouse ))



Next Dimension looked at the clock on the building as he flew past.
He still had time to drop off the items to the University and get to the flat before 8:00.
What are you upto Joe?, he thought,it never went like this; and with a burst of light, accelerated.