NaNoDraMo08 {DrDestiny's Thread}
You did that in a morning. Bugger, youre even better than I thought.
thanks, that's why i did a bit of practice i cut down the pallete used, and only draw the head and shoulders, so i can knock one out in about an hour (as it were)
second one;
Pic Two; Gideon
@Doctor Destiny
...from the Ryman League of posters
fifth pic. i hesitated to include this, but it was done in november at the request of a friend, so here it is;
Pic Five; real american superhero
@Doctor Destiny
...from the Ryman League of posters
Where's pic three? Nice job so far
@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant
Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]
bugger, here it is, Thunderbeing, created by False_Fiction
Pic Three; Thunderbeing
and the pic as an avatar if wanted;
Thunderbeing avatar
@Doctor Destiny
...from the Ryman League of posters
Yay! Thanks a ton, DD I might bugger ya with some more requests in the future
@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant
Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]
Typing debuff. Think I meant "bother"? Cba to fix it now. Anyway, you know what I meant.
@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant
Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]
Yeah, but it WAS funny
Truly awesome sooooo jealous
Awesome! I loved the Barack Obama pic!
Only an hour?
Wow! Excellent stuff indeed. How do you work, DD? Do you draw using a tablet straight into a painting package? or do you scan pencil and paper and then work on top of that? Just very curious
Only an hour?
Wow! Excellent stuff indeed. How do you work, DD? Do you draw using a tablet straight into a painting package? or do you scan pencil and paper and then work on top of that? Just very curious
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i do very rough pencils, sometimes spending a little more time on a complicated element, then scan it in and bring the scan into illustrator. then work on it using the mouse (using the pencil tool), with a different layer for each element, so i can keep some control. i use a mouse rather than a tablet, as when i first tried using a tablet (years ago in college) i didn't get on with it at all, so have avoided them since then.
they don't take long because they're simple really. not many colours to mess with, and the wobbly-line style means i can get away with a lot where the drawing's concerned. keeping each colour / tint on it's own layer also means i can edit easilly where something's not going right.
i started doing the wobbly-line style simply because my pen and ink hand drawings were getting tighter and tigher, and not in a good way, so i wanted to inject a little more freedom into the drawings. the loosness of the style, whilst not being to many folks tastes, does mean i can do them very quickly
@Doctor Destiny
...from the Ryman League of posters
spent a little more time on this one;
Pic Six; Captain Roy Risk
@Doctor Destiny
...from the Ryman League of posters
next one...
Pic Seven; Posydon
@Doctor Destiny
...from the Ryman League of posters
and another, in tribute to the organiser of this event
Pic Eight; Catz
and as an avatar
Catz avatar
@Doctor Destiny
...from the Ryman League of posters
next one. tricky one this, a black full-face mask doesn't leave a lot of leeway...
Pic Nine; The Phantoms
The Phantoms avatar, if wanted
@Doctor Destiny
...from the Ryman League of posters
Jesus Doc! You continue to leave me in awe!
Jesus Doc! You continue to leave me in awe!
[/ QUOTE ]
thanks Merrow, nice of you to say so (but it's just colouring-in )
next piece is Tiger White, created by FFM. not thrilled with how this turned out, so i may re-do it
Pic Ten; Tiger White
and the avatar version if wanted
Tiger White avatar
@Doctor Destiny
...from the Ryman League of posters
and another, in tribute to the organiser of this event
Pic Eight; Catz
and as an avatar
Catz avatar
[/ QUOTE ]
>> <<
The avatar is most definitly wanted *steals*
glad you liked it
@Doctor Destiny
...from the Ryman League of posters
minor edit done to Tiger White, so she no longer looks like she's auditioning for cerano de bergerac
Tiger Whire edit
updated avatar
@Doctor Destiny
...from the Ryman League of posters
Awesome! Thanks a bunch, Doc!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
well here we go...
i've been warming up for this by doing some character portraits, so that's how the first bunch of pics will be.
if the characters drawn are from CoX here, then i'll also include an avatar sized version of the picture if wanted, and if you want your character done, then please pm me with a link to a screenie.
on to the drawings...
Pic One; Aberration
@Doctor Destiny
...from the Ryman League of posters