Archery/MM - Epic pool?
hmm i think the epic is the right choice snowstorm does make it harder for your enemy to escape while you rain arrows :P, it will also make it easier for your to sucessfully drain psych but personally i wouldnt go for meds, with hibernate you wont really need it. I think leadership or concealment would be a better option.
Once I got around 40 and slotted DP a bit better I decided to skip Stamina altogether but keep Aid Self. DP feeds AS, AS keeps the ickle blaster alive.
I've removed my slots from Ice shield because it seems so bleah to my unexperienced eye. 15% defense to smash, when coupled with nothing else at all doesn't seem to be worth the slots. I shifted them to Brawl (don't laugh) for a bit more damage.
Any ideas and tips are welcome.
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Hmm, what I'd have done with Archery/Mental is different entirely, and what I'd have slotted in terms of IO sets is also different entirely.
Myself, would have skipped Snap Shot, Stunning Shot and Ranged Shot, and possibly even Explosive Arrow, and never even considered passing up Psychic Shockwave or Mind Probe. I'd also consider the +Damage set bonus as not being as valuable as you seem to. Would also have slotted 5x Doctored Wound (excluding Heal/End) and one Accuracy IO rather than 6x Efficacy Adaptor into Drain Psyche. The base +recovery from it is far more than good enough, where-as the regen can see noticable improvement. Would also have skipped the Medicine pool as Drain Psyche'd be my self-heal, pretty much.
Also would've put 5 slots in both Aim and Concentration to benefit from 5x Adjusted Targeting in each. +Recharge in quantity will get you dealing damage faster than +Damage set bonuses alone will. Particularly with Rain of Arrows (which I'd add a 6th slot to on top of 5x Positron for a recharge IO).
And just noticed you've got 5x Coercive Persuasion in World of Confusion but not the Contagious Confusion proc. That proc's what elevates WoC to a whole new level of effectiveness, I feel.
Slotting of Ranged Attacks I'd probably also lose Devastation in favour of 5x Decimation(all but proc) and 1x Thunderstrike Dam/Recharge.
In any case, we'd probably be aiming for completely different things, so I'll just post a quick slot-up of an Arc/MM/Ice I speedily did in Mids', mainly to give examples of IO slottings.
Anyhow, here it is:
Code:[/color]| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|_C!9R],]H8++#ZL7A!DU^A)X)1A_#;P13!X('OW>I=0HGI`:.I'Q24(=GX $O@L17X)N|
Note that 'Frozen Armour', 'Psychic Shockwave', 'Rain of Arrows', 'Combat Jumping', 'Blazing Arrow' and 'Mind Probe' all have an alternate slotting you can flip them into from the 'Enhance' window in the info tab. The one I have them on by default's the cheaper IO slotting, the other's the more expensive optimum.
With the cheaper alternative up, build has +73.8% recharge from sets, +52% accuracy, +11% damage, +3.4% MaxHP, +7.5% ranged defense, +4.5% max endurance, +?? Regen.
With the optimum alternative up, build has +111.3% recharge from sets, +81% accuracy, +14% damage, +5% ranged defense, +2.25% max endurance, +??(but quite a bit more) Regen.
The latter's perma-hasten so is effectively +181.3% recharge. Drain Psyche is also 1.9 seconds away from perma.
Ok, apparently 'Alternative Slotting' in 'Enhancement' doesn't get ported over in the data chunk, so here's the optimum build:
Code:[/color]| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|FY.XS\7>`>@R[WM%HUO<CQ9I:`96`%.SF!G9QD5.1=3:FB4SE.;$M3!N<7R,3XS .?#@|
I don't know why you've 6 slotted every purple set (bar ragnarok) or why you didn't enhance health or even why you left the Performance Shifter proc off stamina. Heck, using 5 slots on aim and concentration when you can get better results from 3 slots is beyond me. Yes there is 5% recharge bonus from the Adjusted Targeting set but those slots are more important else where.
I mean, no sprint IO on Super Speed yet 2 slots on hurdle? lol what's that all about? Jump is capped without the extra slot and switch that to SS and instead of running at 65 mph your at something decent at 86. I'd put another one on if i could.
Sorry if all this comes across wrong but i'm hoping no-one looks at your build and thinks "oh this is the optimum build, i'll use it" because it's not. They'd be wasting inf.
Here's my edit: 4 purple IO's cheaper, stats per moves i've altered are higher, more manoeuvrability and bar a slight reduction in recharge all global stats are higher too.
Not sure if recall friend is for a reason but i've swapped it for assault, 10.5% damage buff ftw!
Code:[/color]| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|?<4`(?R&\`&V346U3'B'RPIM@)`G'4HPT(6P*Q`BH3T;Y,O2E (\O0"*,Y1I[QF&0?|
CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.
Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle
Like I said, it was a speedily-done arrangement for Arc/Mental/Ice. I spent no more than 10 minutes on it. Myself, I wouldn't even have gone /Ice Ancillary, but figured I might as well stick with the ancillary that'd been chosen by the OP.
Perhaps saying "here's the optimum build" was misleading. Well, no, it is mis-leading. I was tired at the time of writing, and ought to have read over the post again and noticed the phrasing was off there. What I meant was it's the speedily-done PvE build I did with the optimum, more expensive, enhancements in some powers. Not any kind of ultimate arrangement.
Hurdle with two slots is because I like to get that extra unsuppressed speed on Combat Jumping mid-fight, so is a preference thing. I have CJ on far more often than SJ. Recall Friend and Super-Speed was because I got stuck with having all the powers I actually wanted, but having to choose more. As were a few other powers, at that. If I hadn't been tired at the time of making, however, I also would've remembered the Leadership pool and picked up Assault and perhaps Tactics in place of Recall Friend and Super-Speed. Super-Speed, you see, was entirely an after-thought and, if I actually used that build myself, would see no use other than if I'd been web grenaded. Looking at it, I feel it's pretty decent for a job done in the minimum of time when I was quite tired.
But yes. Would make changes to it certainly, but kinda feel it's done with now, so suppose I'll leave it. That, and you've already done a very good build that I brook no disagreements with in terms of power choices and slotting except to perhaps swap out Super-Speed for Tactics out of preference. Or something else. Acrobatics for the unlikely chance of stopping a low-mag AoE hold, maybe. Just not Super-Speed. Don't particularly get on with that travel power.
Also will take note of some of the frankenslotting with purples, as the results of it are very nice.
Edit: Hmm, you're right. I didn't enhance Health. Must've been more tired than I thought, or too hasty.
I've never played a blaster to a high level before so I'm a newbie to them. Having recently attempted a archery/MM I've found that I quite like the rain of death it can churn out.
Due to my newbishness to blasters I'm porting my build over for nitpicking.
In ways it is a cookie cutter build after having perused some of the other blaster builds with MM, but I've added my own touches.. namely.
Drain Psyche. A regen that comes up every 42 seconds isn't enough for HP though even now, unslotted, it does well for endurance recovery. As such instead of the traditional Doctored Wounds I went with Efficacity Addaptor. I took Aid Self instead to heal myself every 7 seconds and use Drain Psyche to fill up my endurance bar if it dips too low what with the aid self and spamming of attacks.
With the recharge times I have enough cones to spam during the BU window. In a team with a tank I think it's possible to do Concentration + Aim + Fistful + RoA + Fistful + Psychic Scream. As such Exploding Arrow would not be needed.
I was undecided between taking Psychic Scream or Exploding Arrow, but the KB in Exploding decided me as I really don't like it, though it is good for soloing.
As for the epic pools I am, again, undecided. Snow Storm seems like good mitigation (kite everything, though a ranged boss/EB will probably have my lil blaster for lunch), the defense shield seems verily sucky (16% defense? Say what?) and Hibernation strikes me as a good panic button up every 75 seconds.
I have around 27% accuracy in bonuses and around 43% in each attack, which gives me about 70% plus the archery's bonus. 25% damage in bonus sets as well.
So, I think I've worked in mitigation via snow storm + stunning shot. Self-healing via aid self + hibernate. Endurance recovery via DP. A good chunk of damage + accuracy + recharge via bonuses + hasten. Maxed HP via bonuses + accolades.
Will one -KB Karma in CJ be enough or should I just remove the LOTGs in the ice shield and put a Karma and a Steadfast there?
Self contained lil blaster, I hope. I say this because sometimes I enter a team and there's no healing, or no tank, or no debuffs so being able to take care of myself seems like a good idea.
Any ideas or it's good as is?
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