Shadow Shard 1, 23/08/08, 8am




Ok I know this one is about 2 weeks away but I wanted to get this one up and going before it gets to close to the time, so I am setting up a run for the 1st Shadow Shard Task Force..

Yes I hear you groaning oh god not that one but this is a TF I need to do so I may get all the badges back for my new verison of Lord Spawnus.

So on the 23 of Auguest (Saturday Morning) 8am start as this is one HELL of a long Task Force. We can start alittle later like 9 or 10 but dont wanna push it too far back.

The Team Set up as always is:

#1: Lord Spawnus: Willpower/EM Tanker
#2: Gamma Goddess: Willpower/SS Tanker

This is a level 40-44 Task Force and can take over 5-6 maybe more Hours depending on how we do this.


For those of you that have never done anything to do with the Shadow Shards be warned if you do not have a Travel Power that is Fly or Teleport then it will take some time for you to get to missions as the Shards are Rocks floating in Open Nothingness so if you fall you will be teleported back to the starting area.



Blue-Jay will be there, as-of-now a lvl 41 Claws/SR/Body Scrapper with Fly. He wants those damned Rularru claws!

@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"



Cancelling this one for a new one! *please delete*