Crab Spider - Melee




Hey guys.

Just wondering if there is any advice or a particular build I can get to make a crab spider a sort of Melee scrapper/tank kinda thing. I dont post much so sorry if this has been answered before.



EDIT: NOTE: I dont really want to do PvP and rather do PvE



Shiver . Ice/Empath Controller


Necromozone . Necro/Dark Miasma Mastermind

Tils - Bane Spider




A Crab isn't a tank neither a scrapper ^^
It can tank in a groupe with 2-3 other crabs (giving each of them 45% of def), but without its pets, it won't deal enough damage to really scrap (a Bane would be better, in scrapping).
If you want tank with other crabs, take all defensive powers and zonal attacks.



A Melee build would be viable with Boxing/Tough/Weave thrown in, yes. Just make sure you still take the Venom Grenade for debuffage, no need to gimp yourself on purpose.

Arm Lash does great damage. Slice and Frenzy are less great. Boxing, and maybe other Pool attacks, would help you fill out a melee attack chain.