The Cage: Sword of Redemption vs Battle Unit Omega




"Ladies and gentlemen... welcome to the Cage!" cried the host referee, the acoustics in the arena booming his voice throughout the Pocket D nightclub. The audience rose to their feet and cheered with crazed excitement. The usual crowd in DJ Zero's nightclub fight arena had in fact doubled for this event. Where they usually stood and cheered, there were hundreds of seats, drinks and snacks. Television cameras were stationed around the arena, which had been enlarged and upgraded with Wayne Industries' hi-tech neural-simulation virtual reality programme. The fighters would be battling in a virtual terrain, as real as their senses can make it. The night was buzzing with activity, the surrounding spectators were drunk with excitement, anticipation and alcohol. The guest referee-commentator Mister Ace McKnight held his microphone tightly in his hands and prepared to announce today's fighters.

"This is the fight you've all been waiting for, the opening night of this year's Pocket D Charity Tournament. For those of you who aren't aware of the rules, its simple. Two teams of gladiators go at it, head to head in non-lethal battle, for your entertainment. The winning team, or individual has the choice to move up in the tournament and &100,000 donated to a charity organisation of their choosing. The visual feed inside the arena is very hi-tech, so we can capture all the super-powered action, also, these fighters often have personal agendas so we've planted some hi-tech acoustics to eavesdrop on the spoken drama. Remember guys, this is being aired all over the Upsilon Dimensions, especially Paragon City, America. Kids will be watching, so edit your language." The guest referee sends a cheeky wink into the cameras, before concluding his speech. "Now, without further ado, let us meet... tonight's GLADIATORS!" A house-shaking roar rumbled from the audiences as they screamed and cheered for their favourite fighters. Soundtrack music filled the arena, ushering in the celebrated guest fighters. "SWORD OF REDEMPTION versus BATTLE UNIT OMEGA!"



Edward smiled to himself, unlike the other fighters, he was going all out to make this a show-stopping spectacle, this wasn't just some brawl, this was a televised match so he'd paid extra for some special 'enhancements' to his entrance.

As he entered the arena and waiting for the countdown his entrance music of One of a Kind blasted out across the arena.

Edward muttered to himself, "3...2...1..." as the countdown hit 0 fireworks exploded out from the entrance, firing off in red, white and blue in a X pattern. He charged out of his entrance and vanished from view for a moment.

Spotting Omega he reached into a holster at his side and took a moment to fire off his looted Crey pistol before charging. He would finish this fight quickly, it wouldn't make great TV but it would make this fight a lot easier, fire spreading down his arms as he launched himself at Omega.

Seeing the Metal Behemoth of destruction turn into a form he could only think of as a mini-Deathsurge, he knew that it was all about outlasting Omega for now, his fists burning every time he threw a punch, the static deadening the force of his punches to nearly nothing it seemed. He could feel the static building up, the hair on the back of his neck standing up through sheer static force. He reached out with his hand, to force the fear upon the unfearable...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Charity was an unknown term to the mechanoid soldier known to the world at large as Battle Unit Omega, it had to ask O.R.A.C.L.E the meaning of the word after a note of challenged had been delivered to one of the machines ‘human’ aliases.

Declaring that Dr Edward Johnson under the name of Sword Of Redemption wished to face it in combat. The machine could not fathom why some one who claimed to desire the machines destruction would engage it in none lethal combat. Still the machine calculated this to be the best opportunity to test out certain theories and modifications it had made to its primary combat frame.

It stood now in the ring as pyrotechnics filled the air, charity as had been explained to it was nothing more than a way for the wealthy to feel like they are helping the poorer masses, a way of easing a guilty conscience before returning to a life of luxury. Charity like justice was just another concept created by biological life to cause themselves release of pleasant sensation causing chemicals.

Charity was pointless.

Still the machine stood win or lose it had come her to discover the secret of the anomaly that occurred around Sword Of Redemption, in combat the machines targeting would freeze it’s systems would lock for several seconds rendering it incapable of movement.

Working on the theory that the anomaly was some form of special distortion, the machine warped space around it phasing slightly out of physical space ‘causing it to partially disappear only the violent charge as real and Omega space clashed burned in the air, like a crimson thundercloud the machine charged its opponent.

Sooner or later it calculated it would find the secret behind Sword Of Redemption’s ability, find it and counter it.

After all impressive as his tricks are he’s only flesh, and flesh will fail.

Only the machine is eternal.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Edward grinned as he felt a sensation he only knew as 'the armour of faith' the moments were fleeting but with enough faith you could change the world, his skin seemed to absorb any impact launched at him, he could feel the fighting spirit that the machine seemed to leech out of him quickly rebuild, faith was food for the hungry and energy for the tired.

He knew the moment wouldn't last so he kicked his own healing factor into overdrive, it still hurt but the scorch marks barely had time to burn before they healed over, he could only burn so much of his energy before he had to redirect it elsewhere...his healing factor could not be constantly maintained.

He felt the blows hammer down on him now, forcing him to break off from the fight, a bloodied grin on his face.

"Believe Edward, come on...believe.." he muttered to himself, feeling healed enough to get back into the fight he smirked and launched himself again at Omega.

"Even you can't sustain that form Omega...fear will grip you and faith shall cause your loss."

He brought back his fist and launched a punch...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



A lesser being would of felt frustration but emotions were entirely alien to the machine.

Still things were not going as calculated, every time it seemed its foe would fall that the machine would claim victory the anomaly occurred and before it’s sensors cleared its foe would of healed himself recovered enough to continue the fight.

It’s own anomaly was having tremendous effect upon it’s own frame, the heat and pressure of warping reality of using space itself as armour would of killed a lesser being, even the machine could not entirely escape the effects, heat was building with in its gears and with no way of venting it would wreck the machines ability to move.

Quickly it calculated how long was left until it would be forced to end the effect. One way or another this battle would be settled in the next minute…

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Edward knew that Omega couldn't last in this state.

Edward kept up the pace, throwing everything he had at Omega, he wouldn't stop until either himself or Omega had fallen. Edward was forced to break off from the fight again, giving himself a chance to heal with Omega stood there, locked for a moment. He let out a hard breath, getting some wind back before charging back into the fray.

"Fall damn you, fall!"

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!