Don't nerf placate on EU yet ^^




theres been no word by the devs which states "we are looking into buffing banes in the near future" so until then i sont expect threads like this one to end.

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So... the devs not having yet announced a fix for a single sub-archetype that's only a couple of days out of the Test server is sufficient justification for a 'devs h8 villunz' whine of epic proportions?

Report the problem, sure, and hope for a fix, but for the love of (insert appropriate deity here) ease off on the paranoia and let the poor devs get n with their jobs without a torrent of abuse.

NOTE: Second paragraph was less a response to the guy I quoted, and more a response to the thread in general.

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no one needs justification to make threads like this one even if they are "devs hate vills" this is the internet yo

personally though i said i dont expect threads like this to end doesnt mean i think it justified