News vilain
Continuons, dans cette voie-là et bientôt il y aurait plus de différence entre les pouvoirs vilains et les pouvoirs héros.
Je veux un tank elec, je veux un def avec la ligne poison.
Un rava elec, un corrupteur psy ...
si quelqun a le courage de traduire cela , moi et l'anglais boff
City of Villains Q&A with Cryptic Lead Designer Matt Miller (Positron)Q: What are some of the most valuable things that you have learned over the first year of City of Villains?
A: I learned to listen more to the users. We have lot of very passionate players in the game, and their insight and feedback can be really valuable as the design progresses. There are a lot of good ideas out there that help us prioritize our feature lists and at times will lead us in new directions that we might not have thoroughly considered. There are a lot of different desires the players have for the game, and its great to be able to deliver for them.
Q: When comparing to City of Villains with City of Heroes, what are some of the aspects of each game that you prefer over the other and why?
A: This is like asking me to pick which one of my children is my favorite, isnt it? City of Heroes has the unmatched aspect of playing a Hero. Doing good and right, and saving the day. Its something that just cant be offered on the Villain side. But City of Villains has a more proactive feeling to it. You have a sense that you are going out and causing trouble, instead of reacting to it like heroes do.
Q: How do you plan to further integrate City of Heroes with City of Villains (co-op play, social areas like Pocket D, etc.)?
A: We have plans for a co-operative zone where both sides band together under a common flag to combat a mutual threat. While Villains and Heroes obviously do not get along with each other, there are times when the enemy of my enemy becomes a friend, no matter who they are.
Q: Can you provide any insight into your long-term plans for PvP in the City of franchise?
A: We want to shake up PvP and address some of the rough edges with the system. One such issue is the disparity in effectiveness of certain Archetypes in a PvP setting. We are addressing this in part through the Invention system, and feel it will go a long way in shoring up overall balance and offering new ways to play certain Archetypes.
Q: Now that it has been a year, what is your favorite villain archetype and why?
A: Dominator. I love the fact that it couples Control abilities with some good damage output, and Domination is damn cool.
Q: Will there be epic archetypes on the villain side in the future?
A: You bet. We are working out how to include Nictus (evil Kheldians), and are discussing one more. Stay tuned!
Q: When can the players expect Cathedral of Pain to come back?
A: Unfortunately the Cathedral of Pain brought to light a certain exploit that can not be fixed quickly, and involves a rework of some of the systems involved. If I were to use my crystal ball I would say Issue 9, but there is always the possibility of it getting in before then.
Q: Is there anything else that you want to say to the City of community?
A: Thanks for a crazy year, Villains and Heroes. I hope the next year offers just as much fun for everyone as the past ones have!
Au championnat du monde de la betise je finirait deuxi�me, il suit trop con pour finir premier !
Il me semble que cette interview est assez ancienne, ils prevoient encore la sortie de la cathédrale de la souffrance pour l'I9, et les AT epiques étaient encore prévu pour etre les nictus.
Donc pour une news
Like a dog chassing cars...
J'ai pass� toute ma journ�e, assis sur les WC!
Genibus Nitito Canis
Wrestling Attitude
Bienvenue a la Pizza des Chats

BadAss Billy Gunn a raison, cette entrevue date du premier anniversaire de COV... Posi y était encore présenté comme Lead Designer de chez Cryptic Studios ...
tient la cathedrale, j'avais oublie ca, bon je suppose que c'est tjs pas pour l'I12???
kitik,Psytik, Witchy, Darknesss, Gravitybot, Red of Death, Veuve kitik, Hurlante, Irradieuse, myst'ik, Diabouh et j'en passe
oé ct une news pas fraiche (le 2eme lien) mais c toujours sympa de se rappeler les promesses et les projets pour comparer avec la ou on en est arrivé. Moi ct l'AT epik imaginé o debut Avilian mauvais kheldien et bien on les aura pas eu! (Bane c mieux^^)
Chaos War God, xX-Chaos-Team-Xx
Satan's friend, Death Dealer
Y avait d'annoncé les "blood of the black stream" aussi nan? et les incarnates il me semble aussi.
Like a dog chassing cars...
J'ai pass� toute ma journ�e, assis sur les WC!
Genibus Nitito Canis
Wrestling Attitude
Bienvenue a la Pizza des Chats

Oui ils avaient annoncé les incarnates l'AT de statesman^^
Chaos War God, xX-Chaos-Team-Xx
Satan's friend, Death Dealer
"Villains, you know, we have a solution for them and their empathy problem that'll be coming in the next issue, but let's just say that the word 'empathy' is far, far, far away from that set."
A lire:
A: Dominator. I love the fact that it couples Control abilities with some good damage output, and Domination is damn cool.
Chaos War God, xX-Chaos-Team-Xx
Satan's friend, Death Dealer