Lady Grey - Saturday March 15th 6pm




The Power Corps are looking to run Lady Grey this Saturday evening gathering around 6pm (GMT) in RWZ. We will likely have a few spaces (I'm guessing 3-4) on offer for anyone who is interested (Hero or Villain).

If you're up for joining us, drop a post here or tell me in game @Bot-Eireann




Sign me up. I can bring a Brute, Dom or Scrapper. Let me know what would be best.



Dom will probably be best, I am assuming our planned tank shows though!



Need a healer? :] because I'm up for it.



Sure - healer will go down well!



Looks like there will be room. I think the controller might be best option at the mo



Looks like there will be room. I think the controller might be best option at the mo

[/ QUOTE ]

If there's going to be a troller I'll bring my Brute (he's built to beat on Rikti anyway). My grav/psi dom gets laughed at by rikti and my fire dom just causes chaos



Your brute will be more than fine!

That means we have a:
Plus hopefully a healthy mix from the Corps (Blasters will be nice for dmg).

Remember my global is @Bot-Eireann



I had a completely dumb moment and thought i'd pop to the black market before taking on Hammy and of course it kicked me from the TF

Really sorry guys. Hope you managed to kick Hammy's wobbly backside.



Very sorry that happened Blind - it was great teaming with you!

We managed to down Hami and finish the Taskforce (eventually down to 6!) Great effort from all involved - many thanks!

In case anyone reading the forums want to know - Lady Grey is still open to anyone 35+ as long as they are sidekicked.

Also we had a bug with a Rikti drone stuck in the door that required a GM, so this was one long lady grey!

Still - well done all - sorry you didn't get to finish it with us Blind, there really should be a warning before exiting RWZ makes you quit TF.