Just something that had been in my mind for a bit, thought I'd give it a go. I'll continue it later. :]
The final Invasion
"Red alert! this is not a drill!" that's the first thing I heard when I entered the freedom Phalanx that very day...
"He's just a child!" Statesman Shouted, I didn't know whether he was angry or trying to protect me, it was just so strange, I had no idea what was in store for me.
"That's not the point! All of them have been captured or killed, he's the only one left in Paragon city!" Manticore argued, this was all so confusing I didn't know what was going on let alone what they were arguing about, I just knew it involved me.
"Manticore, even you should know we don't even put in adults in to these sort of missions,"
"That's not the point Statesman, he is the only one left! get that through your skull! or is your helmet blocking my words?"
"Well then, why don't we let him decide?" That was such a familiar voice, it was like I always knew it
"Its his body and power suit, you randomly called him here then start arguing in front of him, just debrief him and let him choose," Then out from the shadows, she came, Miss Liberty, that's why I recognised her voice, she was the first hero that trained me and gave me my security level.
"Ok Hyper Healer follow me please," I didn't hesitate, it was practically an honour to get a order from statesman.
"This is the situation, we have information of the next wave of rikiti attacks, but this will be even bigger than the first or second invasion put together, and atop of that..." there was a long and deadly silence, it cut through the atmosphere, you could hear it screaming for mercy.
"your the last healer we have, there all either dead or captured." I didn't know what to say, the only healer in Paragon city! I couldn't believe it, I had just saw Healing Defender this morning, and now I'm told that all the healers are imprisoned or dead. I just had to know more.
"Now for the good and bad news, good news is that your safe inside this building with us, there's no fear of being taken, bad news is," Statesman hesitated, it was like he didn't want to say it, something was holding that air he was using to talk in his throat.
"We need you to go on a potentially fatal mission to save those captured..."