Having an idiot moment

British Battler



Recently came back to CoV to find my toons intact - nice. For the life of me though, I can't remember where mobs drop mutation enhancements in the level 35 area.

All my paper missions are CoT, Council, Freakshow and Carnies, and ... it ain't them.

Devouring earth and 5th Column? Where can I find these guys?

Any help appreciated.



No real need for them anymore, get some inf together and make some lvl 35 basic IO's and slot them, they're basically like +3 SO's that dont run out. It typically costs around 3 million Inf to do this for a lvl 32 Alt, and I've done it 4 times now, also done lvl 30's on a few at 27 (which are like even lvl SO's) and that was around 2 million Inf. Thats for components and recipies, but now I've got some memorized basic recipies on a few of my alts the costs have started to come down, and transfering components between my alts has made it easier Don't think I've bought anything over a lvl 30 SO since inventions went live, as I tend to slot these now and make do until I manage to get some nice lvl 40+ Invention sets to slot as I'm leveling.



Thanks for the reply, Battler. Started to go that way since you mentioned it - easier for sure.



rikti, look arround for them, lots of science, tech and mutation SO enhancements, but if i were you id'e just go buy some IO's for the set bonuses



Go to the mutant store ...