Union Chat Channels?
Welcome to Union.
Please feel free to join Union Chat: Public chat channel.
Send tell to @Mother's Love or ask for invite from a member to Union Badgehunters: Badge-mission calls/enquiries
and Union Auctioners: IO related enquiries and advertising.
There are loads of great channels on union the main ones are Union Badgehunters, Mothership Raid Chat, Union Auctioniers and if u want a chat Union Chat
Thanks guys
Well, I've run out of space on Defiant (too many characters I've gotten bored with in the late teens/early tewnties but keep on the off chance I might want to play them again... ) but I absolutely must make a couple more alts, so I'm gonna have to come over to Union.
Before I do I just thought I'd check if there are any good Union based chat channels? Events, Badges, inane talking etc