Cometh the time , leaveth the Man !
Aw, sad to se you leave.
Take care, and I hope you change your mind and come back sometime.
@Nanas (on Defiant)
Take care Nick, I'll keep in touch
@Rhi @Rhi.
Proud Member Of The Forum Cartel, For Smurfs

So long Nick, best off luck where ever/what ever your doing.
Unless it's playing the Other Game, in which case he deserves everything he gets
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
That time has come when my subs run out in november and im sorry to say i will not be renewing . I have met some fantastic ppl while playing and some i hope to stay in contact with . Good luck and god speed to you all and special thanks to
The Kaos pensioners
Donna matrix
yo momma
L man
All the ASC and Coalition members
Tylantia (both off em)
And anyone else i have missed i do apologise !
This is Nick Anything,Krom,Jerry Atrik,Piccollo,PLasticator,Chase,Robin D'Rich,Rob Anyone bidding you all farewell