SSS : Sunday Shadow Shard TF
the team so far:
1. Dark spider , with any alt that the team needs
2. Kinky katana/regen scrapper
3. Schmoking ice/ice tank
On the 30th?
If you don't mind another tank I have a lvl 50 Inv/SS tank who would be keen to help out.
Kin's in
Sadly, schmoking can't make it. But others have responded.
1. Dark Spider, with any alt that the tem needs
2. kinky Katana/regen scrapper
3. the Moog ? inv/ss tank
4. Cheesey puff - unknown
5. Qui - blaster iirc.
6. Kinetik - unknown
controller, grav/ff
Heh, what Moog said. If you need another lvl50 inv/ss (Gorerider) then count me in ;p.
update 26 september 18:00
1. Dark Spider, with any alt that the team needs
2. kinky Katana/regen scrapper
3. the Moog ? inv/ss tank
4. Cheesey puff - unknown
5. Qui - blaster iirc.
6. Kinetik - grav/FF troller
7. Gorerider inv/ss tank
8. grumpy old blaster -forgot- blaster
Thanks all for joining !
Althrough it took 7 hours, it wasn't so difficult to do, thanks to a great team !
Since they take so long, most people can only do these shard TF's on sunday.
Next sunday it's the first shard TF: Dr. Quaterfield.
it's called Explorers and exploiters and gives the potal smasher badge.
Start is in firebase Zulu, lvl range is 40-44.
Starting at 11 or 12, not later !