I heart pvp
im confused
Aww Power Doll! There are things other than Energy Melee in PvP zones. I was Claws. And the Corruptor was the only Fire / Kinetics Corruptor I had seen in a while. And by posting here and complaining about the fact you had your Endurance sapped by Transference is actually whining.
I would love to be killed by some other things then pink fists or green and blue circles around me.
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This is whining.
Contact Information!
Twitter: @TonyParkeze
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Email: anthonyjp91@gmail.com
I wouldnt mind PVP in RV myself. What server, though? And what are blue circles referring to?
Server: Union
Blues Circles: When a Kinetics <insert AT with Kineitcs here> uses Transfusion or Transference, when it hits you, a big circle expands from you, either blue (Transference) or green (Transfusion).
Contact Information!
Twitter: @TonyParkeze
Facebook: www.facebook.com/anthonyjp91
Email: anthonyjp91@gmail.com
and how exactly do transference and transfusion kill ne1?
Got to be honest and say i to would like to see something other than EM in the zones or arena seems to be 90% of PVP blasters, Stalkers, Tankers and Brutes take EM to PVP with.
Yes i know it is the best PVP Set out there for these AT's with insane damage and stuns but it just gets a little boring when thats all you see. Would be nice to see a differant mix of sets getting involved. After all variaty is the spice of life
On some Archetypes it can be the death of you (Most actually) because if you have no Endurance, that means no toggles (No Mes protection) and no travel power so you can't run away or attack.
Contact Information!
Twitter: @TonyParkeze
Facebook: www.facebook.com/anthonyjp91
Email: anthonyjp91@gmail.com
ok sorry, I was just making a joke, but I shouldn't think I'm funny I guess. I had a great time and the post is based on more pvp experiences then this afternoon. The one and only thing I'm saying is that I find it a bit strange that everytime I go into a pvp zone, it's like a lot of people are playing the same things, cause they read it's powerfull, and more and more people are starting to roll one of these sets, that is all. I'm not calling anyone a bad player or something. Just saying that I would love to see some other things to be effective. I don't mind getting killed, I actually feel pretty good when it takes 3 people.
I actually feel pretty good when it takes 3 people.
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Good. You're a tough nut to crack. And that was with Heavies attacking you.
But I agree completely. There are no variations when it comes to PvP. Energy Melee Stalkers are popular. Broadsword / Regen Scrappers are popular. It is basically the same Archetypes and the same sets. I wouldn't mind seeing some variation. A little off topic I know but a few days ago I went with the VG I am in to Pocket D and we used the arena there. We were all different Archetypes and hardly any of us were PvP builds. I have to say it was the most PvP fun I have had in a long time.
Contact Information!
Twitter: @TonyParkeze
Facebook: www.facebook.com/anthonyjp91
Email: anthonyjp91@gmail.com
That sounds great PvP, and cool that you agree now, thought you were calling me a whiner when all I said was that it would be cool to have something else trying to get through my shield. But for a pretty long time now I go into a pvp zone I just get my end drained and get held. I've seen that now, I can't beat it and have no way around it. So it would be cool to actually fight something that gave a bit of a thrill.
u shud come to pvp nights on monday nights at 8pm on test there is a gr8 variation.
and in terms of other non /em blasters, evo II is /elec and id rate him in the top 3 blasters in europe
I heard that before, is there actual PvP nights on test? In zones or arena? fill me in pls. I think I wanna join sometime
yea every monday night at 8pm on test server, all arena fights in pocket d. all the matches are random teams that are put together as fair as possible. so u can come along by urself and join in anytime
i love making pvp builds you dont see often in pvp zones The "different" ones i got are as follows; (btw this just means they not as common as others
* Mind/TA Controller
* Merc/Poison MM
* Ice/Traps Corruptor
* Fire/SS tank - only cause i dnt see many tanks in pvp
* Fire/Ice Dominator - same as above
* Elec/Devices blaster
* Dark/rad corruptor
and finally my main pvp toon - ill/rad troller, only mentioned since hes my main
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
ok sorry, I was just making a joke, but I shouldn't think I'm funny I guess. I had a great time and the post is based on more pvp experiences then this afternoon. The one and only thing I'm saying is that I find it a bit strange that everytime I go into a pvp zone, it's like a lot of people are playing the same things, cause they read it's powerfull, and more and more people are starting to roll one of these sets, that is all. I'm not calling anyone a bad player or something. Just saying that I would love to see some other things to be effective. I don't mind getting killed, I actually feel pretty good when it takes 3 people.
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I made a claws stalker because I wanted to do something different and claws look very cool. Unfortunately I have become disappointed since then to the weakness of some sets, incl. claws.
I did exactly that Hammerfall. I made Claws so I wasn't considered one of the people who uses "Easy Mode a.k.a. Energy Melee". I also wanted to be different. But Claws really lacks power to PvP (Stalker wise. Scrapper wise they rule). Plus, I sorta prefer the old animations.
Contact Information!
Twitter: @TonyParkeze
Facebook: www.facebook.com/anthonyjp91
Email: anthonyjp91@gmail.com
Yeah I remember you have a claw/nin, we discussed the weird change of animation on one of the shields earlier. Anyways I have a claws/nin aswell and I agree that it is kinda dissapointing damage wise. Really makes you wish you had energy :P but that brings us back to the post again
Got to be honest and say i to would like to see something other than EM in the zones or arena seems to be 90% of PVP blasters, Stalkers, Tankers and Brutes take EM to PVP with.
Yes i know it is the best PVP Set out there for these AT's with insane damage and stuns but it just gets a little boring when thats all you see. Would be nice to see a differant mix of sets getting involved. After all variaty is the spice of life
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Thing is...I cant be asked to level up some toon "just to get some variety".
Some powersets are FotM for a reason and not much you can do about it.
"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"
For variety? How many 50s again Archy?
..Well what you say is true and the crux of the problem. Thats why powersets should be in balance in the first place.
and how exactly do transference and transfusion kill ne1?
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You should know by now mate you can heal someone to death!!!
* Mind/TA Controller
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You brave soul. How chewie's the glass?
The Smoking Demon
Ash/Tar Corruptor
@The Smoking Demon
I just came back from RV, and alltough I had a lot of fun, I would love to be killed by some other things then pink fists or green and blue circles around me. So this is my ode to those powersets we all know are the gods among us that we should respect, and to those who choose em so willingly cause we all know it will provide greatness. We all try to follow em and spec ourselves to great lengths for the mighty pvp zones. Where we can enjoy ourselves on a nice end drain and a powerfull punch that will stun you for eternity. We must honor them. Show everybody the path, till there are only fire/kins left in this world. (this post is not a whine on omg this keeps pwning me, or regen is lame, nerf it. no this is only a scream for variety)