Toggle Macro




Hey guys, im really bad at makin macros and the such so was wonderin if ne1 could helpe me out?

JUst need a macro for my human form PB to get the three shiedls up, combat jumping and acrobatics up when i hit the 'F' key. I would really apprecaite any help



It isn't possible to do exactly what you want; you can only ever activate one power at once[1] which one keypress, so turning everything on isn't doable.

The best you can do is bind a sequence of activations to a single key, along the lines of:

/bind f "powexectoggleon Shining Shield$$powexectoggleon Thermal Shield$$powexectoggleon Quantum Shield$$etc..."

As the game skips over a command to turn on a power that's already active, each press of F will execute the next command along. So, press F 5 times (maybe with short pauses between each to give queues chance to clear) and eventually you'll get there.

[1] There's a workaround with attacks, where a second can be set to autofire, but that isn't applicable here.