Human/Dwarf WS




Look at the numbers on nofuture, the damage is rubbish. Human form damage is better, nova is better, the only time for you to be in dwarf therefore is to take hits off people

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I dont think it's the fact that Dwarf damage is poor, but the fact that the times that you're FORCED into Dwarf, you still want to be kicking out the numbers.

Facing Malta, Knives, or any mass-mezzing mobs will pretty much keep you in Dwarf, as in any other form you're just walking about like Johnny Vegas.

I've 5-slotted my 2 dwarf attacks 3xDmg, 1xAcc, 1xEnd. They chain together quickly, and with Drain doing quite nice damage aswell, it's the best ST chain a WS has imo(not saying much i know). I also find the constant Knockup the chain provides handy too, you can pretty much take a boss without being hit.

Going back the the OP, I think there are a few powers that should be getting priority slotting over others you've gone for.

3 slotting Health? To be honest I'd drop those into Gravity Well. Most people use it as a hold, but i slot it more like KO Blow from Tanker SS. It's got "superior" damage, and is your highest ST damage attack.

I even think Stygian Circle is over-slotted, I run on just the default 1xEndmod. That'll completely re-fill my Health off about 2-4 minions, and my End off about 4. If you're going to slot it for something, slot it for Recharge.

Hasten not 3 slotted? When you get the big recharges like Extract Essence, Unchain Essence, Quasar, and Eclipse, you'll want Hasten up as much as possible. Consider trying to find 2 more slots for this.

I think you'd be better off droping the 2 endmods in Dwarf into seperate Endred's in the attacks.

Is the Superspeed to stack with Shadow Cloak? If so, consider swapping it out for Nebulous Form. It's also got a stealth component, but is about 300 times more useful for you as a WS than SS will be. It's not going to save your life, it's not a panic button. BUT it will enable you to get to the centre of a mob, avoid the alpha, and position you nicely for Mires and Eclipse. Worth a thought.

Gravitic Emanation is a great tool aswell, nice Cone disorient, with a high mag KB. So pretty much Energy Torrent with disorient Im currently trying to find the slots on my 44 to finish this off to give it the slots it deserves. Try picking it up a bit earlier.

Im not entirely sold on the Stamina issue. You could either keep your shields slotted for Endred and drop Stamina, or drop Stamina and keep the endreds.

For a few different ideas try
<ul type="square">[*]Leadership - Apparently kheldains give the same boost as Defenders, so your pets and all around would beneifit. Also Eclipse + Double Mire + Vengeance too godly for words.......[*]Presence - A nice pool, i held it for about 10-15 levels going through. Nice to take the heat off an ally, and a nice litle pseudo Hold. Also getting off an Invoke Panic during your Mire combo can buy you valueable time.[*]Concealement - Grant Invis is always a nice touch, and kind of a forgotten power these days with the changes to Invis etc. Dont rely on it to quieten your pets though, they'll still shoot anything in range.[*]Medicine - I see a lot of Khelds running around with this these days. Stimulant is always popular, a self-heal not dependant on foes can be a welcome change for a WS, and after Eclipse you'll be out-living a lot of your team-mates, so combined with your inherent TP friend the Rez is popular.[*]Jump - Im going for this one through the 44-49 period. Nice lil defense buff from CJ, bit of mobility from SJ, and the amount of times KB has messed up a Mire or Eclipse will be solved by Acrobatics[/list]
So yeah, try some stuff out. I've respecced mine a few times on the way up (tri-form throughout however), my best advice would be to get out a pen and paper, write down all your powers, then have a play for a while. Go back to your list and check with powers you used, and which you didnt. Sometimes with all those forms flying about, you dont even get to use powers, and those powers could be dropped in exchange for things which could improve your style.

Have fun




3 slotting Health? To be honest I'd drop those into Gravity Well. Most people use it as a hold, but i slot it more like KO Blow from Tanker SS. It's got "superior" damage, and is your highest ST damage attack.

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Never really thought about this as a damagedealing power, atm i'm mainly using it to put an opening hold on voids before i start bashing them to bits. but i'll think about the damage next time i use it


I even think Stygian Circle is over-slotted, I run on just the default 1xEndmod. That'll completely re-fill my Health off about 2-4 minions, and my End off about 4. If you're going to slot it for something, slot it for Recharge.

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i've found that the slotting i'm using on stygian right now (1 heal 2endmod) is pretty much perfect (for me) especially when soloing and the mobs are smaller/goes down slower than when teaming.


Hasten not 3 slotted? When you get the big recharges like Extract Essence, Unchain Essence, Quasar, and Eclipse, you'll want Hasten up as much as possible. Consider trying to find 2 more slots for this.

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i must admit i didnt take those high-recharge powers into consideration, usually dont slot hasten more than that 1 original recharge but i agree i'll have to for this


I think you'd be better off droping the 2 endmods in Dwarf into seperate Endred's in the attacks.

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you might be right on this, when i thought about it at first i thought that endmods in dwarf will help it overall while endreds in the attacks would be a bit tied down, i'll have another headscratcher on that one


Is the Superspeed to stack with Shadow Cloak? If so, consider swapping it out for Nebulous Form. It's also got a stealth component, but is about 300 times more useful for you as a WS than SS will be. It's not going to save your life, it's not a panic button. BUT it will enable you to get to the centre of a mob, avoid the alpha, and position you nicely for Mires and Eclipse. Worth a thought.

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Yes i am using SS to stack with SC, and as a travelpower (hate TP) and imo having invis in the form i get is better than the stealth+phase from SC+NF since i can still get smack into the middle of a mob but i dont have to detoggle in order to pull of the mire and such thus containing full invis until i activate the power.


Gravitic Emanation is a great tool aswell, nice Cone disorient, with a high mag KB. So pretty much Energy Torrent with disorient Im currently trying to find the slots on my 44 to finish this off to give it the slots it deserves. Try picking it up a bit earlier.

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i've come to understand just how much i've underestimated Gravitic Emanation, after using it (alot!) i'm really seeing the beauty of it. this will be getting more love i asure you


Im not entirely sold on the Stamina issue. You could either keep your shields slotted for Endred and drop Stamina, or drop Stamina and keep the endreds.

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this is indeed what have been confusing me the most, trying to decide what to do to get the blue stuff to add up, and i'm still not sure, will probably go with stam, dropping the endreducers.

@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers



woohoo, i've come to a decition about my dear WS, i'm not gonna plan it out at all!! at least not for now, i'm gonna go at it with the never failing trial and error way of life and just whing it! ^^

allthough i will be taking all the advice given with me when i do so, WSs are just to complex to plan out and rather than getting a headache trying to do just that i'm gonna take it as it comes and see how it turns out, like in the good old pre-planner days... .ftw!!!

@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers




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Hmmm yeah i do admit, in solo situations, more slotting would be required. I hardly ever solo though as he blossoms so much more in teamplay

Dwarf End

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Aye, I started with Endmods rather than Endreds, but then I saw some maths on here one day, converted to Endreds and was much more comfortable.

Nebuolous Form

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Ahhh, travel power, sorry I use my Nova to get around as its less work-intensive than TP. The only thing I'd say though, is maybe you could drop Shadow Cloak for Nebulous form then
Because as I work it, I Nebulous Form into the mob, get my position as the mobs quickly scrabble about getting their weapons out and generally flailing about, wait for a break in the attacks (generally a second or so after the alpha) then pop out of Neb and Eclipse (which luckily has an under-1 second activation time. working with Nebulous Form ,you could also have Inky Aspect and Orbitting Death running because it wont aggro until you're ready.
Taking the alpha on the nose is going to leave you in trouble and in need of a heal, meaning you have to go up into Dwarf.

To be honest, pre-Eclipse, I'd TP in with Dwarf, take the alpha, Mire, Drain my health back, then drop into Human and mire. Its faster because it has less form changes, and safer because you go in with Dwarf. The only problem is that mezz's will remain stacked on your Dwarf, so as soon as you drop out to Human, you're screwed

Obviously again it'd be a different matter solo and in teams. (anything under 8 mobs isnt worth my mire combo ) all the above opinion and experience was team-based


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Well does it help if I remind you that Eclipse also fills your Endurance as well as Res? So you'll have 2 endmod powers.

Just a reminder



When teamed Tri forming is best or having said that if ya dont like Nova despite extra great AoEs and have gone Human/Dwarf then remaining in Human form unless forced into tank form is best but if ya gonna tank for a team then 1 acc alone in antagonise and a 10 second recharge just aint cutting it and on average no way can i see a Dwarf competing against a Tanker for dealing damage.

I see little point in putting human form armours on, alot of the time in teams cos I usually have no need for them. I do the range/support just like a blaster would unless i have to tank and then its dwarf form for resist and mezz protection.

Human Form for teams and Dwarf more for soloability (unless buffed) then it aint too bad a build. A dwarf form to play alongside a tank would be

woohoo, i've come to a decition about my dear WS, i'm not gonna plan it out at all!! at least not for now, i'm gonna go at it with the never failing trial and error way of life and just whing it! ^^

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thats what i did.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.