Fire/Rad Superteam




are you still going I would join ^^



Should've posted this earlier, but the superteam is no longer going ahead

Proud Palmprint of the Handprints, the number one SG in Europe.

Check our website and forum at!




i think you should restart it. it seems by reading the posts here that you will have more than enough candidates for your team, myself included.

if i may vote for it to continue then you have my vote
*shoves hand in the air*



If you should choose to pick up again - search for ScarRad, I'd love to feel the fire/rad power once more in it's multiple form. Also there are a few holes in the build above (but it has the basics) apart from Assault - not sure it's as useful as manoeuvres due to the damage cap for trolleys being very close with 8 AMs.



Well if u guys are interested i wouldnt mind starting it up again. So if u do ill set up global channel etc.



Bit late, but I would love to join as well. Already have a level 14 on Defiant, but if you're well ahead, I'll just go fry some more mobs.

Who said the team HAS to consist of 8 people, tho? Can't we do pretty much the same thing with, say, 5?

Edit: Oh, I'm reachable at @Lightningclaw, by the way



We did this with the Houndfs of Love SG a while back. The team tore through mobs of purples faster than we could target them. Unfortunately as soon as one of the team doesn't turn up, it starts to unravel and our team 'died' after one glorious, and massively enjoyable, session.

In-game @Spanky the Loveclown
Twitter @simon_writes




i just saw this thread and have been wanting to join a superteam exactly like this, just one question though
wat server are u on and can i join?
also my global is @eeclipse



Is this still going? I'm well up for this, send me a tell @freakdaddy if people are still interested or running it.



I'd be interested assuming it was a start from scratch team rather than start at 10 or 20 or something...

@Lost Ninja



i'v had a quick skim read of this post and it would seem that this supateam isn't happening.... step in my self and here we go

Join the Burning Zone on Defiant, Guffy and myself seem to be the only regulars that play now days and its time for some new blood.. we have base with a few TPers and stuff and a access to other bases with tpers to everywhere so no problem there. we are both lvl 50 but are more then willing to exemp down and sk up... send a tell in game to @bravo or @bumguffy

cya all soon