Workshops and making Base Items




I might be being very dumb but I just made a basic teleporter in a workshop and when I went to place it there was no basic teleporter in the options... What am I missing?



You will find it if you click ADD PERSONEL ITEM , from the same pop up box EDIT BASE and UPGRADE PLOT are found, hope this gets you sorted.



Also worth that that once you 'Add Personal Item', you can't actually move it around again UNLESS you're back in the editor. Quite a pain but whaddya do.



Thanks alot.

Of course now I don't know how to make a beacon even though I know I have to explore the zoneI want a beacon for - for example I just explored Steel Canyon visiting all the Exploration Badges in the zone. I earnt the SG Badge for the Steel Canyon Beacon but can't work out how to make it.

EDIT - OK realised my mistake. Found the beacons in the standard 'place item' menu...




Telepads are salvage items, have to be built with basic forge/worktable. To place a telepad you need to use 'add personal item'.

Telepad beacons have to be unlocked by collecting explo badges in SG mode. After they are unlocked they are found in the teleport-section of base editing menu for transport rooms.