thanx tho's in the sf week




Every night this week i have ran a different sf finishing with a few respecs tonight in an effert to improove things between our coalition member and help out teaming a lil

well now the week is over i just wonted to think everybody that took part not a single sf was failed we had some strange moments and some fun ones as well.

hope you all leanred that the teams in the coalitions arent things to be afrade of so go on give that shout out when your looking for a team.

thanx to those in my own group Dark lord of the underworld as well as those in violaters and e.v.i.l. who always made sure we had the number *** make it work even when it was quiet

i will be running more event sin the future once i dream some up in the mean time if you have any sugetsions for future events gimi a shout and look forword to seeing some of you on sunday in the rv invasion

There isnt a problem on earth that cant be solved with the proper aplication of hi explosive's

Darklords of the Underworld/Lords of Light forums [url=""][/url]
Scotlands Bru ill/emp troller lvl 50
Monster Bru SS/stone brute lvl 50
Carman thugs/dark mm lvl 50



T'was a great run, lots of xp (for me anyway ) and lots of shiny badges...must say the defining moment for me was in the Cap Au Sf, at the AV with most of the team dropped and managed to whoop the big thing (name eludes me) with only Carman(Thugs/Dark MM), Doc Con(AR/Rad Corr) and Kronic(SM/Invuln).

Good run mate...lets do some more sometime, see ya on the field!



Any chance you need a dominator on any future SF? I am desperate to actually see what an SF is about.




If ya doing a LR-SF, count me in.. but.. if there are any SFs otherwise and I have chance..

I have my::

Brute (40/41 :: stone/stone)
Mastermind (42 :: Robotics/Traps)
Stalker (50 :: Energy Melee/Ninjitsu)

Available, at the moment.



yea, it as great fun doing SFs, even tho sometimes dont always fit my schedual, im sure members of Violators are thankfull for every serious attempts at SFs in general.. regarding RSFs, im not sure about Brus experince in that matter, but i will try to learn him everything i know about it, as soon as my RL permitts me to do some more frequent runs again..



yeah i've been getting back into the game again, would like to get a few SF's going I miss spending far too long on a single mission for nothing more than a badge and 1 SO