



Finally, my bots/traps is starting to get somewhere interesting, so it's finally time to scrape together something ofa build plan to spec into.

01) --> Battle Drones==> Acc(1) Dmg(3) Dmg(3) Acc(5) Acc(7) Dmg(7)
01) --> Web Grenade==> Acc(1) Immob(46)
02) --> Pulse Rifle Burst==> Acc(2) Dmg(9) Range(9) Dmg(50)
04) --> Caltrops==> Rechg(4) Slow(5) Slow(43) Slow(43)
06) --> Equip Robot==> Rechg(6) Rechg(40) Rechg(46)
08) --> Combat Jumping==> Jump(8)
10) --> Acid Mortar==> Rechg(10) DefDeBuf(11) DefDeBuf(11) DefDeBuf(40)
12) --> Protector Bots==> Acc(12) Acc(13) Dmg(13) Dmg(17) Dmg(19) EndRdx(19)
14) --> Super Jump==> Jump(14) Jump(15) Jump(15)
16) --> Force Field Generator==> DefBuf(16) DefBuf(17) DefBuf(21)
18) --> Repair==> Rechg(18) Rechg(21) Rechg(34)
20) --> Aid Other==> Heal(20) Heal(33) IntRdx(34) Rechg(34) Rechg(37)
22) --> Aid Self==> Heal(22) Heal(23) IntRdx(23) IntRdx(25) Rechg(25)
24) --> Poison Trap==> Hold(24) Hold(31) Hold(31) Slow(37)
26) --> Assault Bot==> Acc(26) Acc(27) Dmg(27) Dmg(29) Dmg(29) EndRdx(31)
28) --> Seeker Drones==> Rechg(28) TH_DeBuf(43)
30) --> Recall Friend==> Rechg(30)
32) --> Upgrade Robot==> Rechg(32) Rechg(33) Rechg(33)
35) --> Trip Mine==> Acc(35) Dmg(36) Dmg(36) Dmg(36) Acc(37)
38) --> Teleport Foe==> Acc(38) Acc(39) Rechg(39) Rechg(39) Rechg(40)
41) --> Scorpion Shield==> EndRdx(41) DmgRes(42) DmgRes(42) DmgRes(42)
44) --> Mace Beam Volley==> Acc(44) Dmg(45) Dmg(45) Dmg(45) Acc(46)
47) --> Web Cocoon==> Acc(47) Acc(48) Hold(48) Hold(48) Rechg(50) Rechg(50)
49) --> Acrobatics==> EndRdx(49)

Can someone more familiar with the medicine pool than me let me know if I've slotted Aid Other and Aid self right?

I'm also a bit worried about the slots in the traps, as I know triage beacon needs huge slotting to work right. Will I be ok with what I've got?

(and yes, I know I shouldn't technically need the pulse rifle burst, but I like having the ranged pull and "oh [censored], go away" power there. Hence why it isn't heavily slotted.)

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Some suggestions:

Remove recharges from Equip and Upgrade, use EndRed instead. Endurance will be a bigger problem than recharge for mission start once you get all 6 bots and both upgrades.

Super Jump, lose the two extra Jump enhancements unless you absolutely have to hit the cap.

You could overall use one less Acc in all your hench unless you're going to PvP, especially with Acid Mortar.

Trip Mine, 1 Acc, 2 Rech & 3 Dam is my recommendation. 1 Acc is enough to reliably hit most things (non-PvP) and 2 Rech helps get them out faster when you need to stack.

TFoe (for tele-mining in PvP?) has a recharge similar to Trip Mine and doesn't really need any further help.

If you're building for PvP then Tactics is almost required for the +Perception.



Medicine Pool slotting looks pretty ok to me.
The interrupt reductions on Aid Self are very cool for getting it activated in the panic times when things are starting to get a little nerve wracking. Not sure how much reduction is needed on Aid Other. When the Bots are taking fire, I find I *usually* am not, so can manage the heal in a fairly relaxed manner.

Considering you have Aid Other, I would consider dropping Repair. With the slotting you have on Aid Other, you should be able to look after your Bots fine, and you'll get far more use out of it over Repairs downtime. I think you'll find Repair a little redundant if you can get into a routine with Aid Other.

Seeker Drones are nice, but I found them redundant too, as with Upgrade, Protector Bots spam an awful lot of them anyway. I found summoning another 2 myself to be of little use. However, you do have the advantage of being able to place them exactly and they can be nice to take enemy alpha strikes.

Would Black Scorpion's shield be better slotted for defense? Pretty sure it's all stackable with your generator and what you're provided from your Protector Bots. I *think* you can hit around 33% defence to Smashing/Lethal or Energy attacks (I'd have to re-check to be sure).
Damage Resistance is ok, but with so little health in the bank anyway, I get scared thinking about taking damage on the chin and hoping to mitigate some of it. I'd rather not be hit at all .

Slotting on your traps looks ok at a cursory glance. Personally I slot all out on Poison Trap and Acid Mortar and put a lot of recharge in, but that's more for Base Raid bias where they really shine.

The Pulse Rifle Burst is good for exactly what you're saying. You can always /bind a pet to do pulling which is much personally safer for you . I like the 'Burst and it does have a pretty good kick, good for delivering the final blow etc when you feel like it .