Jack Hunt




I will be hunting Jack in Dark Astoria tonight from about 6pm. If we could get a couple of teams in the zone and basically pummel Eochai until Jack appears.

The thing with going up against odds and probablilities is you have to be consistent with your approach so sticking in the same zone and working it seems a sensible method, also the few times i've heard about a Jack appearnce has been in DA, so who's with me?



I will be hunting in all zones, look me up on /ac chat or @Flush global me plz if hes found, TY !



Hey Kej....Will try to join you, but unlikely...From yesterdays experience, we pummelled Eochai about 10 times on villains, getting all the badges as we went and Jack eventually appears, staying in the same Zone does seem the right approach...good luck dude!



I will be there. 3 Days in and still no Jack for me



You guys might want to check this post out...


Eochai will respawn somewhere in the zone whenever he is defeated.

10% of the time, that respawn is Jack-in-Irons instead.

Also, Jack only appears in level 20 and higher zones.

So... if you are hunting Jack and come across an Eochai, defeat it just so the respawn can happen and there is a new chance at a Jack showing up. Leaving an Eochai around while you look for a Jack is actually detremental in finding Jack.

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Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



from Bridger

Because of the way he spawns, I'd suggest that the best way to get Jack is not to move from zone to zone looking for him, but to pick a zone of Level 20 or higher and keep defeating Eochais. Eventually, you'll come up against Jack.

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that's a good idea, i wish i'd come up with it.




I'll see what i can do, dont know if im going out or not yet - i'll send you a /tell after 6

[LEFT][COLOR=White][B]City of Heroes: Gone to the Europeans[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Red][COLOR=SeaGreen][B][COLOR=White][B] since 2011[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Black][B][COLOR=Green]
@DBeaver // Defiant[/COLOR][/B][/COLOR][U][U][B][COLOR=Red]



Thanks to everyone that turned out, we got him on the 5th spawn it took about 50 mins, just proves if you hang in there you'll get him.



i missed it so gratz all i hope im there to take him out next time .



Well i got it on my spines, just need it on the other 3 now :P