ice/kin questions
1. I'd suggest you learn then - Ice/Kin is pretty intensive. Even if it is just select team mate/sb/id, it will save you tons of time. I'll have a look for mine when I get home, although that isn't for 2 days. Somebody else might chirp in with them.
2. I never have, although I solo a lot. When I have teamed, I do so much damage just with Blizzard every 4th or 5th mob, nobody notices. I'd be surprised if you can fit it into a build tbh.
3. (or 2b) I have 2 acc, 1 rech in siphon power. Really helps in PvP, not so much of an issue once you have fulcrum shift. As a /kin, you will seem to miss a lot later on, but that's just the 5% chance hitting you (did I mention it was pretty hectiic?).
Synaesthetix:if your mum wasn't already dead I would go kill her for bringing
you into the world
thx for the reply , and i look forward to the binds cause i really suck at binding , only thing i know is to write /bind
Here are my binds
NUMPAD1 "+ unselect$$team_select 1$$powexec_name Speed Boost"
CTRL+NUMPAD1 "+ unselect$$team_select 1$$powexec_name Increase Density"
NUMPAD2 "+ unselect$$team_select 2$$powexec_name Speed Boost"
CTRL+NUMPAD2 "+ unselect$$team_select 2$$powexec_name Increase Density"
NUMPAD3 "+ unselect$$team_select 3$$powexec_name Speed Boost"
CTRL+NUMPAD3 "+ unselect$$team_select 3$$powexec_name Increase Density"
NUMPAD4 "+ unselect$$team_select 4$$powexec_name Speed Boost"
CTRL+NUMPAD4 "+ unselect$$team_select 4$$powexec_name Increase Density"
NUMPAD5 "+ unselect$$team_select 5$$powexec_name Speed Boost"
CTRL+NUMPAD5 "+ unselect$$team_select 5$$powexec_name Increase Density"
NUMPAD6 "+ unselect$$team_select 6$$powexec_name Speed Boost"
CTRL+NUMPAD6 "+ unselect$$team_select 6$$powexec_name Increase Density"
NUMPAD7 "+ unselect$$team_select 7$$powexec_name Speed Boost"
CTRL+NUMPAD7 "+ unselect$$team_select 7$$powexec_name Increase Density"
NUMPAD8 "+ unselect$$team_select 8$$powexec_name Speed Boost"
CTRL+NUMPAD8 "+ unselect$$team_select 8$$powexec_name Increase Density"
Dont take frost breath its awful long activation time small cone much better off spamming your 3 single target attacks and blizzard when you can.
thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor
If you don´t want to bind those keys one by one or you plan on building more kinetic users later I would suggest writing all those binds into one .txt file.
Just write those lines without /bind or anything and save this file as kinetic.txt or something like that.
So, if you want to bind all those keys at once you just log in with your kinetic and type "/bind_load_file 'C:\COH\keybinds\kinetic.txt'" or whatever the correct path to your file may be.
And in other news:
Never take Frost Breath. It´s sub-par on "normal" ice corruptors and a slotted self-debuff for an ice/kin-corruptor. You don´t want this.
Also, be prepared to burn blue inspis like there is no tomorrow (until level 35).

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
yeah i know what u mean , im lvl 12 , and what a hell im loosing end like if i was have 20 leadership pools toggles on
yeah i know what u mean , im lvl 12 , and what a hell im loosing end like if i was have 20 leadership pools toggles on
[/ QUOTE ]
I slotted all my ice attacks with end reduxs and it makes a big difference.
hasten helps to.
1 . can i handle without using keybinds , cause i dont know how
. 2 . should i take frost breath ? im teaming with a brute and another corr so there is a good amount of mobs and with fulcrum it should deal some serious damg