Help with human/dwarf WS build!




I could really use some help with this. Cant choose from all the powers or slots so I'll tell you what I'm looking forward to do with my WS

1) When in teams mostly spend time in human form doing all possible damage, shields should be used here but slots arent that needed
2) If things get tight I could jump onto dwarf and save the day :P

So, human form should do pretty good damage and dwarf should have enough slots to do some damage, be able to heal and have an attack chain going.

Ty for any help ^^

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



pretty tough question really (this is 3rd attempt at replying ).

i had a couple of different plans on my human/dwarf shade.

first up was 1-24 for speed, not doing much damage and using orbiting death as the primary damage leecher. these were quite tough levels with a few key powers, sunless mire, the level 18 hold, stygian circle, dwarf and stamina. Stygian circle was picked up before dwarf or stam.

after that i respecced and dropped shadow bolt in favour of shadow blast. haste got slotted up and inky aspect+gravitic emanation became the primary soft control.

40s dwarf was fully slotted up and pet+unchain essence slotted up. at this point you're a disorient master

doing it again i'd probably do what i did this time, not 100% plan it at all and just pick things and see what happens, theres only a few stinker powers in there, but even those i bet someone likes (somewhere). have a vague idea of what you want and build it like that.

if want my initial to 40 build i can provide or if you just wanna chat then giz a shout.

my experience is if you can get up to 18ish then you're home dry
