Damage Inspirations




Yes, that's right, Damage Inspirations... I've been thinking right..... can't we have it affect the amount we heal???

Wouldn't that be great, could help in a sticky situation... I know, I know, there's healing insps for pple in trouble

But just think of it, we'd actually have a use for them instead of passing them on to others (I'm speaking in broad terms ofcourse as I know we've got a blasting secondary hehe )

A boy can dream can't he?



My defenders happily use any damage insp I happen to get. Dead enemy = no people in trouble.

If damage insps would boost healing and damage for defenders, it'd be overpowered. If it'd boost healing instead of damage, people like me would kill you.



/em giggle

Hehehehe, 'strue that.
It's just one of those thoughts that you HAVE to put down somewhere.

Besides that, I'd be screaming myself, 'cause why doesn't it then boost the defence given by my Bubblefender.