"Doctor's Ally" Badge - Tues 5th Sep, 9:00pm (UK)




My tanker Sally Forth just picked up this badge mission, and as it's a prerequisite for the Conspiracy Theorist/Crey Pistol Accolade thought I'd offer an open invite.

The mission's in IP, so no level limits on who can come along; anyone interested, post to this thread.



Hi sal can Perdix come? lvl 24 pb



Hi Standoff - thanks again for the tf last night. Im a bit confused is the mission to get the con theory / cray badge and would I need to have done the prerequisites to get the badge?




Nope, the mission awards the "Doctor's Ally" Accomplishment badge, which is itself one of the several prerequisites to the "Conspiracy Theorist" Accolade.

Would love to team with Sally on this, but shall be spending the evening with Pinkette irl. Maybe next time. Have fun !



Hi Dave - good to hear you enjoyed the TF; it was a hoot, and certainly much more enjoyable than I'd anticipated!

Re. badge missions, you can do these whenever you want; the only possible restriction is if the mission's set in a hazard zone, and you're not high enough level to get in and make it to the mission door!

Other prerequisites come in for the accolade itself; for the Conspiracy Theorist one you need to get a few exploration badges, complete the Doctor's Ally mission and (the challenging one) get the badge for arresting 100 Paragon Protectors. As soon as you complete the last item on this list you get the accolade.

And Perdix, you're welcome - although unless someone of around Sally's level signs up one or the other of you or Yamarashi will need to hang back and get no xp (but you will both get the badge).



Still not confirmed but if just a normal 30 - 40 mins type affair should be in. i will let you know later tonight/tomorrow.



IIRC this is a pretty quick mission - more like 10-20 minutes than 30-40.

Anyway, you're welcome; if you're about at kickoff time and want to come along send me a tell!

(Provisional meetup point - IP station. Not that it really matters.)



Hey Standoff, didn't realise you were Sally Forth



Hey Standoff, didn't realise you were Sally Forth

[/ QUOTE ]
They seek him here, they seek him there,
Those villains seek him everywhere.

Is he in Perez? Is he in Fault?
Nobody's certain, Stand has too many alts.[1]

Hi Prox - yep, she's me, or maybe vice versa! Were you one of the horde last night?

[1] With apologies to Baroness Emmuska Orczy.



No, I'm Icen, with a similar tech-suited bio to Sally! We met at Talos station a couple of weeks back.



I'm up for it pls if that's OK - either with my kinetics defender or my mind troller - my global is @pisteuomen.




No, I'm Icen, with a similar tech-suited bio to Sally! We met at Talos station a couple of weeks back.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ah yes, I recall!

Tech suits FTW, although it does make fitting into SG-based uniforms a bit of a challenge. (Basically you have to make do with a token overlay of SG colours on the suit, and that's their lot.)



Stand, Im in for tomorrow night if the invite is still there.
