



SR doesnt cope well against overwhelming odds when elude is not running.

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Understatement of the Year Award goes toooo.... HAMMERFALL congrats bud [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] *gives him the award and lets the scantly clad women jump on him*

Yea, your right.. Elude vs many foes or a controller of sorts, is my best friend (for about 3-5mins). As much as my own Kat/SR copes, he's better in Melee then Ranged, as I use Divine Avalanche on anything close enough to hit, keeping my DEF capping up as much as possible.

Spines.. ranged all ok slows.. mm true.. but if something gets close enough to get past Quills (if they have it) it's game over.

But, I have noticed in PvP (especially yesterday in Siren's) if you're SR, they all make an EXTRA special note to pile on you..



But, I have noticed in PvP (especially yesterday in Siren's) if you're SR, they all make an EXTRA special note to pile on you..

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Oh yeah^^...''YOUR ELUDED YOUR ELUDED''..he's not you morons [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]...BUT I CAN'T HIT HIM''..HE MUST BE ELUDED"..He's just using DA, you see any big elude signs above his head?:/..

WS jumps into the discussion..''YEAH CAUSE NOONE CAN HIT TROU ELUDE"...you can with some yellows:/..''NO YOU CAN'T YOU BIG N00B"...

[img]/uk/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]*big sigh*

was fun tho:P





But, I have noticed in PvP (especially yesterday in Siren's) if you're SR, they all make an EXTRA special note to pile on you..

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Oh yeah^^...''YOUR ELUDED YOUR ELUDED''..he's not you morons [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]...BUT I CAN'T HIT HIM''..HE MUST BE ELUDED"..He's just using DA, you see any big elude signs above his head?:/..

WS jumps into the discussion..''YEAH CAUSE NOONE CAN HIT TROU ELUDE"...you can with some yellows:/..''NO YOU CAN'T YOU BIG N00B"...

[img]/uk/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]*big sigh*

was fun tho:P

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You're quote kinda went wonky :P

and yea.. was good fun [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] and we still love ur WSing goodness, and again ty for my badge [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] x



Oh yeah^^...''YOUR ELUDED YOUR ELUDED''..he's not you morons ...BUT I CAN'T HIT HIM''..HE MUST BE ELUDED"..He's just using DA, you see any big elude signs above his head?:/..

WS jumps into the discussion..''YEAH CAUSE NOONE CAN HIT TROU ELUDE"...you can with some yellows:/..''NO YOU CAN'T YOU BIG N00B"...

*big sigh*

was fun tho:P

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Yep was amusing. I think i'll take Excalibar into sirens more often if it means they all gonna think i'm eluded... might stop me gettin ganked when they realise more than 1 Acc really is needed in their attacks for PvP [img]/uk/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]



regardless of what was said [img]/uk/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

DA spammed on anything close enough to melee, and you'll be dodging A-Strikes all over the place.

and ... all my attacks are 2x ACC standard and AS = 3xACC [img]/uk/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] so you must've stacked DA or Purples a lil bit [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] cause I was missing even with BU+3ACC.. ahh the joys of SR.

meh no matter.. always next time [img]/uk/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]


might stop me gettin ganked

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nah.. you'll get ganked anyway.. it's how they play in there.. I had to get used to it.

My advice, find a brute and DA spam in melee.. since DA is DEF vs Melee/Lethal, shud cover you from AS all the way up to Debuffs/Ranged (which you won't dodge, with it.)

Tbh, last time I did that I got spam asked how I was keeping alive with no Heal..

I explained to the one Stalker why.. he was soon telling the brute and others to keep away from me, LoL -- which to be fair, the brute was being kinda silly.. he was effectively doing my job for me -- they soon backed off afterwards, and kept they're distance.

But I've never been accused of "Eluding" .. so must be a isolated case.. or someone has been doing it alot in there before you, and funnily enough.. I have my suspicions on "who" that might be..



there was a funny scrapper called Spine Reflex who didn't think i could hit through elude with my blaster. Aim and build up slotted with 3 tohitbuffs each and if that isn't enough ill pop powerboost to double the tohitbuff, i laugh at elude [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img].



there was a funny scrapper called Spine Reflex who didn't think i could hit through elude with my blaster. Aim and build up slotted with 3 tohitbuffs each and if that isn't enough ill pop powerboost to double the tohitbuff, i laugh at elude [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img].

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indeed [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]



I knew it was DA which i have 3 def buffs in that was keeping me alive, i didnt feel obliged to tell them that [img]/uk/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] It gets spammed non stop in sirens as i only have 2 attacks other than that there anyway. And yeah i do the bouncin off the brutes thing too, i always wonder what goes through their minds when they see me just hit em once on the way past [img]/uk/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

I do find it amusing that when people can't hit a defensed based set like they can other types and they automatically start the accusations. Oh yeah and the other 'proof' of me apparently using elude - "You run too fast... ZOMG Elude!" I have sprint and swift 3 slotted for indoor arena maps, combine that with SS in the zones and there aint a ground based toon thats gonna get away [img]/uk/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]




swift 3 slotted for indoor arena maps

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1 KNEW it lol