Is it just me... ?




Or is it considerably harder for CoV players to earn their Accolades than for CoH?

Born in Battle being a classic example of this, even with the chnge proposed in an upcoming patch. I mean, my Regen Scrapper doesn't even have Unbreakable (4th damage badge) yet... after 900+ hours of gameplay since the inception of i4, and most of it with me having a very noticable Tanker complex. I can only imagine the amount of time my +def-based Stalker would have to put in to "earn" the badge properly... and a well-played Corruptor? or an MM??



It's the End-giving Accolade powers which are the worst, as you've said. Born in Battle may never be achievable by some without hideous amounts of Damage-farming, while Marshall can't be got before 45, because it requires a badge only obtainable on the Recluse SF.

The Devs are being excessively tight regarding End Recovery powers on Villains in general. No Patron +End power from Brutes? Bah.



it isnt just you some of the badges needed are just silly hard to get but then it is easyer for us to get hammios so i supose it doce balance out slightly

There isnt a problem on earth that cant be solved with the proper aplication of hi explosive's

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Scotlands Bru ill/emp troller lvl 50
Monster Bru SS/stone brute lvl 50
Carman thugs/dark mm lvl 50