Lonely lvl 43 seeks SG for badges, TFs, and fun
I can recomd both the DarkWings and the 1AT coalition.
For the DarkWings contact @Lifeline @Azomas or @Li Sensei
For the 1AT head to their forum Clicky
You could do worse than give MoX a try, check us out at www.mox.eu.com. You can contact me by PM or in game on @khorrighan for more info....we have all of what you're looking for, I swear some of our members never log off!!!
We got active forums and TeamSpeak etc... anyway, I'll leave you to your deliberating. have fun whatever you choose.
Take a look at Last Line Of Defence on www.rikti.co.uk
They're a fun, laid back group more about the social side that power gaming or being an uber group. The other plus is that they have a LOT of players who are on in the day and are one of the more active day time SG's out there.
Catch me on @kinslayer to get you an invite to the SG and our very active global channel. We also have the 6th highest earning VG on CoV as well if you move down that route.
have to admit Kins groups on boths sides have good reps and normaly a freindly bunch they should be able to sort your needs np
There isnt a problem on earth that cant be solved with the proper aplication of hi explosive's
Darklords of the Underworld/Lords of Light forums [url="http://www.armleg.com/dlotu"]www.armleg.com/dlotu[/url]
Scotlands Bru ill/emp troller lvl 50
Monster Bru SS/stone brute lvl 50
Carman thugs/dark mm lvl 50
I transferred over from a US server recently-ish, and Im having trouble finding a Super Group. I seem to either get random invites or invites from SGs that arent particularly active when Im around, or nothing. Maybe its the British reserve or mebbe I just havent made enough friends
but Im not having much luck.

I work evenings so Im limited to when I can play, and I like badges, Task Forces and trials so I need a SG with a forum so we can arrange such goodnesses and of course cos its mighty sociable too
At the risk of sounding lonely and unloved How do I go about finding a forummed-SG?