Union > Defiant inf transfer
I'd be up for it, will be around later tonight at 11:30ish if you fancy!
i can give you up to 3 mil inf for free in an hour when i get back @ home if you want
I accept both your offers!
@mr cuddles is my global name. My defiant toon is called Meltor.
Send me a tell I'll be on all night.
Thanks very much battlecow I got everything I need to get this character off to a good start.
pyra, the offer is still there for inf on union if you want it, battlecow's generosity has put me in a good mood
I have recently started an alt on defiant and I have the problem of a lack of influence. However I amsure that there are people on defiant who have started alts on union and are suffering the same problem but in reverse.
Therefore, I propose that You let my level 50 on union give your lowbie alt a huge wad of influence and you return the favour on defiant with your level 50.
Any takers?