second hero respec friday 21st 34+





for a while ive been planning to do the second respec, and so i thought i may aswell post info on here

i will be hosting the respec trial, 34+, on friday 21st at 5PM. i will need someone who has done it before cause simply, i have no clue . if the time mixes with anyones schedule, ill change it, seeing as i have no plans for that day.

also, its the double xp weekend, so there will be lots of xp in it

anyone up for it? post here or /tell on @albino pyro or clawed man



Done it before, but I like the "AAAH SWEET HELLFIRE THE GITS REZZED!" moments, so I'll gladly do it again.

Seriphos, level 42 DM/DA



I'd be up for this too, though I won't get in from work until about 5:30pm (or thereabouts). You willing to wait for me?

If you are I'll be bringing my blaster: X-99 L36 AR/Dev.



also, its the double xp weekend, so there will be lots of xp in it

[/ QUOTE ]
Minor correction, the Double Exp starts at 9BST. That case its better to move it to saterday I'd say, get a tanker that can take beating from Freakshow, get a troller (i always like the ice/ one) and a emp/kin to keep endurance running. From there it's fill'em up.

I have a 34 and 37 that could join, though not sure if i'm available (due double exp).

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Check again, it starts at 9am.



Check again, it starts at 9am.

[/ QUOTE ]
Its already running now?

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Check again, it starts at 9am.

[/ QUOTE ]
Its already running now?

[/ QUOTE ]

Seems so. I'm at work so I can't check in-game. Just read the announcement on the main site.