Numina or Sewer Trial
Hey guys I really want to do these 2 before i go and with the double exp weekend, no better time has come, anyone interested in this? i would prefer to do the Sewer trial but Numina is stil good, Alts around lvl 38 to 41 please join!
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Winter Flare often organizes good TFs - he's planning anohter attept at the Sewer Trial soon, I think.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Would be happy to try either of these.
Deadshot AR/Dev blaster L47.
I'd be happy to join you on either with Tarah - she's 2 bars away from 38, but should get that sorted this evening. Anytime between 11 and 7 on Saturday is good for me, but don't worry if you want to do it some other time - I won't be offended
Good to hear some interest, anyone else ,as for times im ok as long as its a few hours before 19:00 gmt
Would be interested in either or both with my lvl 42 scrapper, however can only do it between 8am and 2pm on Sat 22nd, any good?
Main 50 & Badger Nine Claws Claws/Regen/Body
Other 50's Ph10x Brute Unjust Law Tanker Samantha Urai Scrapper Codename 1250 Scrapper
Cepheus Defender Nilus Scrapper Electro Field Blaster S.PONGE Tanker
I'd be able to give the Sewer Trial a go if it's on Friday - although on re-reading your opening post, it appears to be limited to guys only, so I may not be acceptable
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
im good for anytime as long as it isn't to late at night on sat, i have already sone the hunting mission just need to do the decent.
The plan is gointo the sewers and get tothe door, ill go to the contact and then go to the sewers, someone tps me to the door, we get the scrappers and tankers to get the particle cannons as blasters and the such are one shoted from the hydra, clear teh kraken and the tentacles then generators then the hydra head, if any one has superior invis or grant invis that would really help and cut down time. ( sewer trial)
As for numinas, im cool with whatever i never did it before
As well as Saturday 11-7, I'll be online sometime after 5pm this evening, depending on when I get back from work. I'm free all evening, so happy to do whatever people want to do. Hopefully we can get at least one of these done tonight. Send a tell as soon as you see me on - I'll go solo until I hear from you.
Tarah's a level 38 Kat/Inv scrapper, just in case you wondered
i should be up for the sewer tf on sat i should be on most of the day with Shao lvl 38 MA/Regan scrapper just send a tell to me
Real life has got in the way I'm afraid guys, so I'll have to pull out. Sorry about that
I will be on, just nowhere near long enough to do any TFs. Hope you all have fun though.
Hey guys I really want to do these 2 before i go and with the double exp weekend, no better time has come, anyone interested in this? i would prefer to do the Sewer trial but Numina is stil good, Alts around lvl 38 to 41 please join!