I'm noticing changed pet behaviour




...since they 'fixed' the pet naming bug.

It used to be that I'd go up a lift and my pets would appear in one big lump at the top with me. Occasionally led to slight irritations, but no major issue.

Now, I can go through a lift and have to wait 20 - 40 seconds for my pets to catch up with me. And they come through a single lift, one at a time.

This makes baing hit by a patrol as you come out of a lift, less than pleasant.

The situation gets worse in Mayhem missions.

I've only done one Mayhem since the patch came in, Founders. But going into side missions was an absolute abortion. The only way I found to reliable get my pets to follow me into a side mission (or the cop shop, OR the bank at the end) was to go in and annoy something with my pulse rifle. The victim started to fight back, at which point my bots 'must protect MM' code seems to have kicked in and they (eventually) came running.

I've tried using the group recall temp power, but the pets would appear in the side mission, and then either run out through the door, or run upwards at an angle, through the wall...

So, my question is, is anyone else noticing problems like this with their pets? I've yet to /bug it as I'm usually up to my neck in trouble by the time I notice, and that's not the best time to be afk, filling in a bug report.


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



It used to do that when I7 was on test, and was awful. I truly hope it's a bug and not WAI.



I've been noticing this as well - it happens every single time I use lifts. Recall Friend on the missing pets doesn't work, as they run back through the wall, as you said. The only workaround I've found to save a bit of time is to use the lifts as normal, then immediately go back through them, then use them as normal again - the pets seem to respond a lot faster and will rejoin you (after a bit of comical running between lifts) much more quickly.

It is very annoying and I've noticed pets ignoring commands in normal combat a lot more often too (particularly "stay", "go to" and "follow", when you're trying to stop them pursuing a runner or trying to get them to move out of flame patches).

They're still getting attracted to crystals in CoT missions on the Oranbega maps as well (which also is prone to make them ignore "stay" and "go to" commands - you really have to spam "follow" to pull them away) and sometimes refusing to use portals - but then they've done that since CoV launch, regardless of I7.

The code for pet AI certainly needs some work

At least the bots all have superjump now - that's made Oranbegan maps slightly less painful (probably a lot less painful for those without Recall Friend).



I have seen it too but slightly reversed, i have to wait them if i go superspeeding trough the lifts usually but not in normal usage but now the funny part, if i really have to be going now or else (like closing an CoT portal and BANG here comes the cavalry worst case scenario: 2 bosses, 1 lt, 8 minions).. they dont want to leave. "Well i'm going, do what you want." Most of the time, they stay and fight to the end which is quick.



Yup have noticed this a well. Wasnt it to stop the bots stacking up and getting stuck in the walls/ceilings etc..... If that was the reason behind it then it hasnt illeviated the problem.

I usually find that "Marvin" my assault bot will eventually exit from the elevator then he does a great impression of Michael Jackson and moon walks. He wont go anywhere. I usually have to dismioss him and then recall/requip him.

Can be great fun if there is a patrol around Ifthis happens then I stick on the Force Bubble and fly at the bad guys knocking them backwards.



I havent been playing my MM since the last patches, but this sounds alarmingly like the result of some haphazard way to fix the naming bug..

.. Although its great news if ALL the bots indeed have SJ now?



I havent been playing my MM since the last patches, but this sounds alarmingly like the result of some haphazard way to fix the naming bug..

.. Although its great news if ALL the bots indeed have SJ now?

[/ QUOTE ]
Yep ALL bots have SJ now (not just the drones like in I6). Duoing with a friend he confirmed to me that all his zombies have SJ now as well (none of them had SJ in I6). All Ninjas had SJ anyway, but I'm guessing all Thugs and Mercs have probably been given SJ as well now (I'd log in my Mercs MM to check, but he only has Soldiers anyway, so it wouldn't confirm much).

I noticed all the pet control problems I listed above both before and after the naming bug was fixed, so it's definitely I7 to blame, not the name-bug hotfix - perhaps they messed up pet AI while implementing "bodyguard" /shrug. Although like I said the bots getting attracted to crystals in Oranbegan missions was happening in I6 as well, so pet AI was hardly stellar before



Can confirm Thugs have SJ just rooled one yesterday.



My assault bot did not SJ around in Nerva the other day. Friggin slow thing, took ages to catch up with me... Big'Un (ABs name) wouldn't re-spawn next to me either if I was outside the range (200 yrds?). I was at one point atleast 800 yrds ahead of Big'Un, and had to wait patiently for it.



Logged my mm last night for the first time since I7 (hoping by now the bugs are fixed), and i can confirm my mercs have sj also



Nope, the Genin didn't have SJ in I6. They did get that in I7, not in the hotfix, though.