Toxic Tarantula Hunt - 16/6/06 19.00




I'm about 75% into this badge and running out of contacts fast at lvl 43 so would like to finish it off tonight to unlock the contact related to it.

Any 40+ also in need of the badge, I'll be hollering over the Union Badgehunter channel or you can send me a tell on @kinslayer.



A few more details about this hunt. It will be taking place in Grandville and the tarantula's we'll be hunting are lvl 42-43 bosses.

There's a nice little series of platforms we can do circuits of and pick up 5-6 each time round. It's taken me roughly an hour to get 75% and, evcen better, I picked up over 2 bars of XP in that time at lvl 42.



Nice hunt.

In 45 minutes, we managed to kill about 100 toxics to get most people half way on their bar.

May do another run Sunday evening



How did you managed to run out of contact at 43? O.o Just curious, this just seems odd. Sturmovik is curently 48 with Black Scorpion rest of the story arc left and Veridian wich i still need a couple badges to unlock him.

Did a dozen newspaper missions with the mayhem along. Actully didn't grouped that much.

Never really get into it, but are we getting more xp while soloing (in the long run). Because i did solo most of my grinding carrier so far with this character.