Just a few quick questions




Hi all, just started playing my PB a few days ago and loving it, but a few questions:

Putting end red (not mod) into the form slots - does this just reduce the toggle cost or does it reduce the powers cost as well?

Does the Quantum shield lie to me? I know it says energy/neg energy, but it sort of implies it gives you res to voids/quantums as well... Or is this just wishful thinking on my part? (I'm guessing not, otherwise there'd be loads of posts here telling people to 3-slot it...)

And further off, do Photon Seekers (which sound cool) stick around when you change forms or do they disappear with the toggles?

TIA for your help



first, grats on 50

second voids/quantums do quantum damage to khieldians but to everyone else its energry/negetive damage



Endred in the forms reduces the form toggle cost, not the cost of the powers. Much better actually slotting the powers with an EndRed to be honest.

Quantum and void attacks do two parts damage. An unresisted quantum part (which is the bit that hurts) and an energy part. The quantum shield will help against the energy part of the attack and so reduce damage slightly, but the main quantum part will still get through.

Seekers stick around when you change forms. Sounds handy as you can call them forth and then charge in with dwarf but in reality they then float around you admiring the view for a bit, may explode if they feel like it or just expire after 1 min. Better to call them forth right in the face of what you want to hit.



TY Mongoose

Faultline: That was pretty much what I thought for everything, especially the end reds, but nice to have it confirmed. Went and read the thread about the photon seekers after I'd posted, also very useful for tips on their use. Knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up about the quantum shield...