Willow R's 1st birthday.




This Tuesday, the 6th, is my empath defender Willow R's 1st birthday. Yes, boys and girls, she's a bouncing One year old! I'm hoping to have a get together under Atlas statue in the evening (around 11-12ish) so if any of you know me or remember teaming with me then please drop by and say hi! The more the merrier. Hopefully by then there will also be a joint 50 party for Matakoshi and Rain Phoenix. Hope to see you there!

@Willow R

Main Hero:
Willow R (Emp/Rad Defender, lvl 50)
Matakoshi (kat/regen Scrapper, lvl 50)



Congratz and welcome to the group of one year olds



Hehe, thanks!

@Willow R

Main Hero:
Willow R (Emp/Rad Defender, lvl 50)
Matakoshi (kat/regen Scrapper, lvl 50)



hmm, no need to act like a 1 year old Will

"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"



Yeah, i can't be acting older than i am.......

@Willow R

Main Hero:
Willow R (Emp/Rad Defender, lvl 50)
Matakoshi (kat/regen Scrapper, lvl 50)



Wow think Lodestar is about a tear too havent dated it exactly but its a little over a year. So a double party for us.

Fits in nicely too I guess with tonights celebrations.



I'll be there dude, I'll bring nibbles!



Here here Archy!!!!

Will! You're going to make me wait til Tuesday to ding? Oh well That's gives Rasterman time to catch up!

You know I'll be there as long as my net conn allows me

The 50's
Ruby Dragon - ill/emp Troller
Rain Phoenix - fire/ss Tank
Seth Darkstar - rad/dark Def
Sorrow Phoenix - dm/reg Scrap
Por Siempre - ice/therm Corr
Prized Dragon - WS
Mari Darksoul - nrg/ice Blas
Nawty - fire/kin Troller
Macula - ice/fire Tank



Hidden Healer birthday is next saturday at 7!



Good things come to those who wait, Ruby.

Thanks to everyone who's replied, i'm looking forward to seeing you all there.

@Willow R

Main Hero:
Willow R (Emp/Rad Defender, lvl 50)
Matakoshi (kat/regen Scrapper, lvl 50)



I don't care!!! You know how impatient I am
Just for making me wait, I'm going to play until I reach lvl 49.95 & whine at you while I wait for you to catch up


The 50's
Ruby Dragon - ill/emp Troller
Rain Phoenix - fire/ss Tank
Seth Darkstar - rad/dark Def
Sorrow Phoenix - dm/reg Scrap
Por Siempre - ice/therm Corr
Prized Dragon - WS
Mari Darksoul - nrg/ice Blas
Nawty - fire/kin Troller
Macula - ice/fire Tank



reaching 49.95 is good. although that last .05 would be better. we'll get there soon hun, i know we will.

And guess what Cryptic got me? a nice shiney badge! Exhaulted. at last number 289.

@Willow R

Main Hero:
Willow R (Emp/Rad Defender, lvl 50)
Matakoshi (kat/regen Scrapper, lvl 50)