Problems picking up Kheldian Arcs




I've been slowly leveling my PB, and have got him up to 21 now - picking up the "new" Kheld story arcs on the way was one of the main motivations for starting him off.

I got "The Peace Killers" and "War and the Peacebringers" at 5 and 10, as planned, then seem to have missed the 15-19 arc. After the event I can't remember whether this was lack of attention on my part, or because whenever I checked back to Sunstorm he said there was nothing going.

Anyway, I asked Sunstorm for missions at 20, then 21, and he's still saying "nothing for you until you have more powers, check back every 5 levels or so" - this is the point I checked the web, and discovered that I've completely missed one arc and ought to be due a second.

No, I don't have any other story arcs open at all.

Anyone know what the problem might be here, and how I can get Sunny to send me on errands again?



I had that prob for a while on nef, and it seemed I had arcs open. Now you say you dont have any open, but are you sure? You DO know that even if you didnt pick the first mish of an arc, it counts as opening right?

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



I had this problem with Trill. Sunstorm wouldn't give me an arc until I had reached the range for the next one and then suddenly he gave me two arcs in succession, first of them just outleveled.



I had that prob for a while on nef, and it seemed I had arcs open. Now you say you dont have any open, but are you sure? You DO know that even if you didnt pick the first mish of an arc, it counts as opening right?

[/ QUOTE ]
Well spotted that man - despite my clues list being empty I checked all my old contacts, and one of them started feeding me level 11 Skulls/Hellions missions. A bit annoying to clean out (especially the final "defeat all" in the multilevel blue cave map) but at least the squid AoEs take out greys nice and quick.

After that Sunstorm started me off on the 20-24 arc (looks like I've missed the 15-19 ), so problem solved. No idea what the second open arc may be - possibly started one with a right-level contact, but not entered the arc proper yet.

So, big thanks to you Nef, and no thanks at all to Cryptic for using a "you're not high enough level" message when they're trying to tell you "you have too many arcs open".



yeah i hate the fact that even being offered the mish counts as opening an arc.. if I got some arcs I want to do (be it cool mishes, cool AVs etc) I'm always afraid to click on "ask for available missions" from other contacts cause i dont wanna be offered an arc by accident

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



hmm that may explain why i couldn't get my lvl40 arc... will have to have a look at that later.

forum ftw =D