Stamina or not?




Hey, i've made myself a PB (again )
this time i actually plan on bringing it through the game and so far so good, but as i've been lvling (14atm) i've started thinking about my build.
I am going for a build that involves all the different forms and will be switching between them as needed.

The main plan for Human form is to use it for buffs as well as dealing some heavy blows (incedescent, dawnstrike, photons and flare mainly).
The point of this whole rambling post is, should i bother with stamina?
i'm not sure how often/long i will be in human form in the future, and i can always respec it in later on. But i wanna hear what you guys/gals think about it.
I know there are alot of different opinions out there and that you hold your opinions strong at heart but please try to keep it civil

Thnx in advance

@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers



As a general rule of thumb (fears a fierce reprisal)
PB with one or more forms: Stamina can be left, as end recov+ from forms



As a general rule of thumb (fears a fierce reprisal)
PB with one or more forms: Stamina can be left, as end recov+ from forms

[/ QUOTE ]
ye thats what i've been thinking about, i've made a build asuming that hitting a few strikes in humaa and then switching wont be too bad..
and since stamina dont work when shifted it kinda seems useless imo..
any other views of it?

@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers



At the moment my PB is tri-form. I don't have stamina, that means I simply can't stay in human form in a fight for long without some endurance buffs of some sort. Chain half a dozen attacks together and endurance is gone, it's quite remarkable how fast it goes. It is fun though, the damage is phenomenal against the right targets.

In nova form I have to be spamming attacks constantly to the point of boredom to see a serious drop in endurance.

Dwarf form is fairly endurance heavy but nowhere on the scale of human form.

Really it's your choice. I tend to stay in human form if there is someone delivering endurance buffs on the team. If not, I switch to human or dwarf form for particularly nasty targets but stay mostly in nova form for the cannon fodder.

Personally, I'd say, if you intend to use human form a lot, you'll need stamina at some point.



i'll decide against it then as i said i will only go human to deliver incadescent and such and nuke will leave me drained anyways so its really no point.. thnx for the answers

@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers