Gesprch mit Positron und CuppaJo
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Updates to Boomtown, Faultline, and the Rikti Crash Site are currently being worked on and expected for Issue 8. We will be able to enter the ship. The zones are being redesigned with new art, contacts, etc using Striga and Croatoa as models.
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Sehr fein. Passt ja gerade gut zu der Diskussion im Cohmpendium, über die Langweiligkeit dieser Zonen im Vergleich zu Striga und Croatoa. Da freu ich mich auch drauf, denn bisher lag das Potential dieser Zonen wirklich brach.
Ansonsten ist jetzt auch nicht allzuviel neues oder überraschendes dabei. Höchstens noch das mit den Flügeln und Trenchcoats, das sicher einige sehr freuen wird.
Nichts neues oder überraschendes? Also bitte, Server Transfer ist IMHO beides!
Google's great
intitle:"index.of" mp3 gus.gus
Noa .. immerhin wurde das schon versucht (zumindest US > EU), also ist es nicht ganz neu.
Eine automatisch und schnelle funktionierende Umsetzung wäre aber tatsächlich überraschend und neu.
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Nichts neues oder überraschendes? Also bitte, Server Transfer ist IMHO beides!
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Wobei wir beim Servertransfer berücksichtigen sollten, dass Positron sich wohl nur auf einen Transfer zwischen US-Servern bezogen hat. Und nicht von EU nach US oder umgekehrt. Die Überlegungen gehen in die Richtung einen Transfer innerhalb der "US-Version" und innerhalb der "EU-Version" zu ermöglichen.
Aber konkret ist noch nichts. Alles Weitere wird sich zeigen.
Genau so hatte ich das verstanden.
Google's great
intitle:"index.of" mp3 gus.gus
Ich hätte ja noch den ersten Post gequotet .. da die neueren Infos drin waren
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CuppaJo and Matt are excellent people, approachable, and very easy to talk to. Matt seemed especially interested in Rella's character's backstories and badge collections
There were also a lot of free handouts, to include t-shirts, autographed comics, free software, game cards, hats, etc. (some of which I luckily aquired).
So here's some other intel from the shindig from talking to Matt and some other folks (all info is tentative and subject to change of course):
* Trench Coats will be part of the Veteran Rewards System. You will earn this Prestige item after ~3 months of having an active account.
* Costume bugs are being looked into, although no word yet about the "pointy ears" issue (read the Test server forums for back info)
* In Recluse's Victory, no one will be able to control more than one Heavy at any time. Heavies will not despawn until the Heavy or its owner is defeated.
* For those who didn't know and are OCD about badges, there will be exactly ONE (1) Infected in Recluse's Victory that spawns every two hours. Kill him 100 times to get that Isolator badge you missed in Outbreak. Posi said it would be annoyingly hard, after all, so you asked for it
* I asked Matt if Avilans and BotBS are still on the board, but he misunderstood my questions and said that they will not be the next EAT released. This leads me to speculate that villains will probably get Coralax EATs in I8.
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yay !!1 trenchcoats!
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* For those who didn't know and are OCD about badges, there will be exactly ONE (1) Infected in Recluse's Victory that spawns every two hours. Kill him 100 times to get that Isolator badge you missed in Outbreak. Posi said it would be annoyingly hard, after all, so you asked for it
[/ QUOTE ]juhuuu! so etwas ähnliches habe ich mir schon überlegt ins vorschläge-forum zu schreiben..
Hoffentlich erscheint der Typ dann auch an wirklich zufälligen Stellen, sonst gibt's wieder eine Zeit lang Spawn Camping wie bei Sally am Anfang.
Viel cooler fände ich einen Typen, der selten rein zufällig in allen Maps an wirklich zufälligen Stellen spawnt. So eine Art "Tourist Guy".
Google's great
intitle:"index.of" mp3 gus.gus
Soviele sollte es ja nicht geben, die das Isolator Badge verpasst haben...
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Soviele sollte es ja nicht geben, die das Isolator Badge verpasst haben...
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öhm...also...öähmm *hüstel* *Kopfkratz* *nägelkau*
also..wie soll ich sagen...
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öhm...also...öähmm *hüstel* *Kopfkratz* *nägelkau*
also..wie soll ich sagen...
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Also so was ne! *auf die eingene Badgelist schau*
*räusper* öhm ... ich habe nichts gesagt *unschuldigindergegendrumpfeif*
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Soviele sollte es ja nicht geben, die das Isolator Badge verpasst haben...
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Nur **** wenn aus einem Test-Char ein bleibender Char wird. Frontschwein war z.B. ursprünglich nur mal ein Test und hat das Abzeichen auch nicht.
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There is a badge that you can only get if you complete all of a certain contact's missions. And every mission is timed and can be failed. He said that the times are not long, but not so short that it is impossible. Also, you can only get the badge by doing the missions yourself. joining someone else for them will not award it.
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Das erste Badge das Solospieler belohnt
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There is a badge that you can only get if you complete all of a certain contact's missions. And every mission is timed and can be failed. He said that the times are not long, but not so short that it is impossible. Also, you can only get the badge by doing the missions yourself. joining someone else for them will not award it.
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Das erste Badge das Solospieler belohnt
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Man bekommt das Abzeichen auch im Team. Aber eben nur der Inhaber der Mission.
Ein US-Fan hatte vor kurzer Zeit die Gelegenheit, mit Positron und CuppaJo zu sprechen und dabei haben die beiden wohl ein paar Sachen für die Zukunft ausgeplaudert.
Nachdem diese aber bisher nicht von einem 'Redname' offiziell bestätigt wurden, lass ich das mal (fast) unkommentiert im Original stehen.
Mein kleiner Kommentar:
Deckt sich alles ziemlich genau mit meinem Wissenstand. Auch wenn Positron wohl ein wenig vage geantwortet hat und man viel hineininterpretieren kann.
Originalposting hier
Im restlichen Thread gibt es teilweise noch mehr Auszüge aus Gesprächen der Fans mit dem US-Team.
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I went to the NcSoft event too and had a chance to ask Positron and CuppaJo lots of questions. They were very patient and answered almost everything I asked. Here is what I remember (all subject to change, of course):
Wings, Trenchcoats - Both are coming very soon. Trenchcoats will be unlocked by the long term subscriber program. Wings are costume options and will not be specific to any certain AT.
I asked Positron if currently exclusive villain powers will be made available for heroes. His answer was "we have discussed it". He wouldn't say anything more on that.
Updates to Boomtown, Faultline, and the Rikti Crash Site are currently being worked on and expected for Issue 8. We will be able to enter the ship. The zones are being redesigned with new art, contacts, etc using Striga and Croatoa as models.
They are datamining lots of base stuff including base rent. There will probably be some adjustments, but no promises there.
Hero/Villain teaming - There will be lots more coming. Some big threat/enemy will require heroes and villains to put aside their differences and work together.
Pocket D - lots more stuff is coming.
SG size issues, such as basing membership on account rather then character -They looking into it, but its not a high priority because relatively few supergroups are running out of space.
Skills - Not coming. Ever. They tried 9 different systems and couldn't find a fun one.
Universities - They will be doing something with them in Issue 8.
Game Events - More are planned. There will be a Halloween/Fall event this year.
Level 50 content - Currently in the works. This has become a higher priority because the percentage of players with a level 50 has grown.
Fighting an evil version of yourself - Its something they would like to do, but it would require quite a bit of programming. The biggest issue would be for masterminds, since there is currently no AI to handle NPC versions of them.
5th Column - They are going to be coming back. The gladiator badge is not all we will see of them.
Heroic animal-themed costumes - Sounds nice but not a high priority.
Positron said that badge junkies will hate him for one of the villain I7 contacts - There is a badge that you can only get if you complete all of a certain contact's missions. And every mission is timed and can be failed. He said that the times are not long, but not so short that it is impossible. Also, you can only get the badge by doing the missions yourself. joining someone else for them will not award it.
Server transfer - It is in the works. There will likely be a fee for doing it. This is because they can't completely automate the process and will have to hire people to move characters over and change names when necessary.
Again, please note that this is all subject to change and to my own memory of what was said there.
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