Union Leaders Meeting!
Saw this discussed on the leader channel last night and I think it's a great idea.
One thing I will say though, PLEASE don't think this is just for the bigger/established VG's. This is a great chance for new VG leaders to come along and 'network'. You can get advice on building a successful VG and it's a great chance to help form coalitions.
Pocket D is a good choice of venue but I'm thinking for future ones, it may be an idea to pick a different VG leader to host it in their base to add a bit morfe of a personal touch. Will need to think on this at the moment as numbers will be a factor as they'll have to be teamed with a VG member to allow entry
Wouldnt holding it in a VG's base make it quite difficult for hero SG's to attend kin
i'll come along to represent Three Lions
Order of the Silent Harp will be there
also holding it in a base will allow 10 coalition leaders and providing the "team allowence into base" is working that will allow 7 other leaders. Base would be impractical purely due to not all Villain Leaders can enter before we even consider Hero leaders.
Also Pocket D is usually empty, it may give it a larger use, even if only SG leader meetings XD lol
High Mistress
Sorry wont be attending work till 8
Wouldnt holding it in a VG's base make it quite difficult for hero SG's to attend kin
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Yeah, looked in here before I looked in hero forum so didn't realise it was both sides.
Hmm.. I'll try to be there for as much as possible.
I generally get home about 7, so I may be late, and we have an important officers meeting later, so I may have to leave early.
Here is a summary of the meeting:
1) In order to strengthen and increase the PvP-knowledge on Union server. we are gng to try to let ppl see that there is more to PvP, than ASing stalkers, ambushes and outnumbering destruction. Many ppl fear/dislike the PvP as a whole, after being discouarged in the PvP zones where they feel they have nothing to show for. If a newbie enters a PvP-zone he is in general pretty helpless, since he lack theskills and experience of PvP. Since i7 will increase PvP as a content ('Real' baseraids) we hope to improve ppls interest and by that also prevent Items of Powers, and baseraids from being an 'elite' content. the more SG/VG that put effort into this, the better (andmore fun) it will be overall.
As PvP-zones are rather messy, we have chosen to keep working in the arena. After a few weeks of Tuesdays Arena Training, we are going to try and increase this activity, from a amatuer point of view. The Tuesday arena training will be trying to get more interesting for less experienced players, so that ppl feel they can join without being humiliated. If you have any questions regarding the PvP-organisation and you want to ask questions, and get info. @Kinslayer from BloodLine VG is in charge of this, and will gladly help Any player thats interested in PvP, either Base-raids content or arena.
2) A major Hero/Villain Costume contest is going to be organized in Pocket D. The Price will be good, since Union Leaders will put together to it. (so ther is no lowbie reward of 10k inf, but a prize ppl of both sides would really benefit from winning)
More details on time and date and which competitions incolved, will be posted soon by @Deluge
3) Since the release of i6 (CoV), starting and running an SG/VG has become alot more difficult and complicated, this mainly coz of the bases and prestige. For this reason, many of the bigger SG/VG in Union Leaders will be taking on Mentoring Coalitions. This way new SG/VG can get help starting up and avoid the general misstakes ppl do when trying to create a SG/VG. The Mentor-Coalition will also help the new SG/VG with finding Teams, as this is one of the bigger reasons for joining a SG/VG. We hope this will encourage more ppl to start fresh without having concerns on trying to 'catch up' to the biggest SG/VG and prevent them from using bad ways of recruitment, hens increasing quality of the new SG/VG, and also get free promotion along the way.
As of now, most of the big SG/VG will be doing this, so if u have recently started (or planning to) a SG/VG and feel u want help in getting started, contact Union Leaders and we will find a SG/VG suitable for ur needs. the coalition is set to be for 1 month at this point, so that we can constantly add new Coalitions to Mentor. In order to get in contact with Unoin Leaders, contact:
@.Dr Death
@Max Powerz
4) We have also descide to keep the inviting/informing of UL to the public as active as possible. This means members of the UL have to work to inform ppl they come across about UL and what we do, this way we hope to get more SG/VG into our comunity and increasing the quality. spreading the word through coalitions, Official boards, low-lvl teams and at events has been good so far, but we will try to make it more active and have every1 doing this, not just a selective few.
This was the 1st meeting and we are planning to have one again in a month. There was a good turn-out and im glad so many SG/VG leaders out there finds the time and gets involved with this. More good quality SG/VG will in the long run benefit us all with better game-experience and get us more moneys worth. Thank you that came and works for UL to expand and evolve into a great tool for SG/VG.
sounds like alot was worked out last nigt and thatc an only be a good thing
sory icoulnt be there real life stuff got in the way but you know im always availible to help out in any way i can with the UL theyve been alot of help to e so far
i also just cleared out most of my coalitions as the groups had went inactive so let me know what your after for the mentoring coalition and my lot might be able to help out there
There isnt a problem on earth that cant be solved with the proper aplication of hi explosive's
Darklords of the Underworld/Lords of Light forums [url="http://www.armleg.com/dlotu"]www.armleg.com/dlotu[/url]
Scotlands Bru ill/emp troller lvl 50
Monster Bru SS/stone brute lvl 50
Carman thugs/dark mm lvl 50
Oh good. I mean, I've been one of three leaders of a supergroup for five months, so I know a fair bit, but a mentoring group would really really help! I have loads of questions on base raids and IoP's.
Skull Biker and I will be leading "The Gang" after i7, so a mentor would be great.. Do you guys have a global channel we could join?

Yup, called 'Union Leaders'.
It's a private channel to stop any old ******** joining so send a tell to me on @kinslayer, @.Dr Death or @Max Powerz for an invite
Oh good. I mean, I've been one of three leaders of a supergroup for five months, so I know a fair bit, but a mentoring group would really really help! I have loads of questions on base raids and IoP's.
Skull Biker and I will be leading "The Gang" after i7, so a mentor would be great.. Do you guys have a global channel we could join?
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as kin said, send me or @kinslayer or @max powerz a global tell next time online, and we will invite u to Union Leaders.
and regarding mentor coalition, same there.. just send a tell and we will work something out. we will also try and match ur needs to appropriate SG/VG
Time: Monday the 15th of may, 7pm GMT.
Place: Pocket D
We wil be disussing and try to develope a good plan for strengthen the role and awareness of Union Leaders in i7. This is a meeting for SG/VG leaders only. Thoose that arent members of UL, can join in as well (as long as ur an SG/VG leader ofcourse), and see how this community works, and perhaps submit your SG/VG.