Why's there no...




2nd AT Coaliton of villains?
Just seems a bit wierd to me. Maybe because the villain ATs are much more soloable?

Plenty of possible names:

<ul type="square">[*]Silent Killers - Stalkers[*]Team Servercrash - Masterminds[*]SMASH! - Brutes[*]Strategic Assault - Dominators[*]Scourge Syndicate - Corrupters[/list]



2nd AT Coaliton of villains?
Just seems a bit wierd to me. Maybe because the villain ATs are much more soloable?

Plenty of possible names:

<ul type="square">[*]Silent Killers - Stalkers[*]Team Servercrash - Masterminds[*]SMASH! - Brutes[*]Strategic Assault - Dominators[*] Corrosion Rangers - Corrupters[/list]
[/ QUOTE ]Edited for Accuracy



The corrosion rangers started when CoV came out but CoV never got of the ground with most of the regular 1AT heroes. Even letting all ATs in the corrosion rangers hardly helped (last time I checked neway and thats been a while)
If you are up for it tho, I wouldn't mind getting my villains in a coalition like that .



I think ive been poaching them all

I know I have a number of villains who are from the 1AT on heros. Just incase this does happen I may have to quickly create a stalker AT sg (got a cool name I dont want people to nick).

Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker

Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.

My Brute - http://maxy-khaos.mybrute.com/

LF SG! Arc ID# 193083



Theres a few coalitioned with us too - the corrosion rangers, Deus ex machina. Keep meaning to see if Max has a spare coalition spot for the Pirates, to help complete the circle.