what do i choose ?




Well its up to your taste in play type the peacebringers powers are strong and seem to dispatch there foes well but they need cover from there team unless there in dwarf or light the Warshades however are control type they can defeat foes easilly but not as well as the peacebringer unlike the peacebringer the warshade reallys on defeated foes to heal but the peacebringer can heal thereself



not really... if i read your text right (though its written a bit confusing) you kinda depict the WS as the weaker of the set. As said before, WS needs other mobs (either alive or dead) to activate buffs while PB can use selfbuffs. However this means the PB got a fixed buff percentage, while the WS varies with amount of mobs affected. Though if the WS affects enough mobs, the buff percentage is higher than the fixed percentage of the PB.

A little example, PB gets buildup and WS gets mire (or 2x mire if you pick dwarf). Buildup buffs a PB's dmg and acc for a fixed number. Mire uses foes (still alive) around the WS to buff dmg and acc (and does minor damage to mobs). If there are only 2 mobs around, buildup will give a better buff than mire, because mire will only affect 2 mobs and barely buff. If there however are 16 mobs for the WS to fire mire on, mire (and especially double mire) has the potential to beat buildup in terms of buffing.

Oh, and WS doesnt necessary need dead bodies to heal. Stygian circle uses dead bodies to regain hp and end thats true, but human and dwarf form of WS get a HP drain power as a self heal.

Basically the main difference has been discussed, WS relies on others to buff and therefore can be tricky to play, while a PB uses self-buffs.

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Thanks guys for all the help, im so close to lvl 50 now i can taste it.

p.s so far im think about peace bringers



the only other real difference is the different damage type, which can cause issues depending on which enemies you fight.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I think the reason why ppl think WS's are 'more controllerish' is because WS's slow ppl down with each attack while the PB reduces defense giving them more 'raw firepower' with each attack. Also PBs are more 'self contained' meaning you don't need too much assistance from the empath to keep yourself alive or ressurect where as the WS tend to need more help from the empath if there aren't enough enemies lying dead so they can heal themselves or enemies around them so they can resurrect. This makes the PB better at soloing than the WS, which plays better in groups.

I suggest that you do one of each IMO. Both have their advantages and disadvantages and the only true way of finding them out is to play them yourself.



Its a difficult choice. My experience of warshading has left me to believe that it is the most exciting AT i've played so far. The excitement increases with every level as you gain more powers and slot others.

Self-sufficiency comes with play style, enemy type and often team-makeup and ability of other players and of course experience. Stygian Circle and Eclipse become your best friends together with a well slotted gravity well.

My only problem with Warshading has been with the lower lvls where you are far more squishy than you will be post lvl 38... when seemingly nothing can hurt you.

As far as the controllerish issue is concerned, I wouldn't concern yourself about it - in that apart from the Hold and Immobilise, its very difficult to notice any effect (slows) from your attack powers - and even if the mobs are effected - they are dead very shortly after

At the higher levels - I have noticed a distinct damage output sustainability and self-sufficency superiority between the Warshade and the Peacebringer, I guess simply becasue after Eclipse the WS can stay in Nova form and blast AOEs without fear, regain End from the dead mobs and move on to the next group without downtime.

Warshades turned out to be everything I wanted them to be after lvl 38



and dont forget the WS pets are waaaaaay better than PB pets , often teamed with nother WS in my 40s, we both had perma 2 pets out and flew around in nova form, the massive AoE output killed mobs before the tank could even aggro em all .

Must say I disagree with the relying on empaths part. Indeed at lower lvls they are a bit more squishy compared to PBs. However styg circle gives you full hp/end with 2/3 defeated enemies, which in most mobs you'll have i reckon (even solo). Do agree that WS are better in teams than they are solo.

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright