Union CoV PvP SG - The New Idea




Right. Had an idea. I've seen all these attempts at making PvP VGs, and then it hit me. Why don't we make a VG where we all make our characters at the same time, with the ATs we need, and then get em to the right lvl, and do the respec into a PvP build. It's the best way to get a PvP VG going, and I reckon it'll work, but anyone involved would have to be serious. If you're interested post here, and Global Friend me (/gfriend @Kitetsu - works any time, wether Im on or not), and we'll work it out. We need at least 6 to start, preferably 8. This would be the main force, but obviously we can have more. LvLing through teams would be the best way (hence the 6 or 8), where we all start characters at the same time, then lvl them up roughly equally, without lagging too far ahead or behind of the rest. Should work, but like I say, people would need to be dedicated. I want to get my Stalker to 40 first (LvL 32 jus now), so after that we can begin. Anyone interested?




This has already been discussed and is under way HERE

We already have some existing CoV PvP players rolling new alts in there, A lot of CoH PvP'ers and even a couple of Defiant server guys.

At the moment, nearly all these toons are less than a week old(though we do have a couple of older ones there that have never really been used)

The plan is to go PvE builds to lvl 24 just so we can get there ASAP then I will use my PvE VG to get us through the respec and we can start practising.