Killing stuff for the squidies




'lo all.

Just wondering in teams with WSs and PBs, it's always possible to be up against potentially team wipe enemies such as the Dwarf hanging out with the Fake Nemesis.

Since everyone is obviously going to go straight for the big glowing thing that looks pretty, I wondered what the best ways, apart from simultanious Build-Ups and snipes/nukes/crushingly devasting scrapper crits, are to dealing with Kheldian mobs.

ie; resistances, aggro, etc.



White dwarfs have never posed a problem for me, other than solo.

There's no way you'll be able to hold one, so either stack slows or just go for full on violence.



The Nictus foes have never been a problem to me, I managed to hold the dwarfs(they're Bosses, so a couple of holds can lock 'em down)and the novas aren't all that..
The real problem are Cyst Crystals..However if you have someone in the team that can hold, make sure they aim all their holds on the Crystal, because when he's held he won't spawn more foes, just like CoT portals.



if you're fightin crystals, get that WS in dwarf form to tank it for you, or post-38 let him fire eclipse and they wont pose that much of a threat to the team cause well, they just got massive resistance to the negative attacks.

Not sure if PBs can take the same role though, but i guess in lightform it makes it viable to tank it as well

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Last time I had a crystal solo it was ridiculously easy - so much so I sat there in nova form farming it until I got no 1 nictus nemesis position for the day. It was only spawning singles so they never lasted long enough to fire of any attack.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant