Slotting summons with Defence and Resistance
It USED to be possible to give them resistance buff increasers, but it broke the UI as damage enhancers were seemingly increasing one stat and damage resistance enhancers reducing it, so they took away the +RES enahncements on pets and increased their resistance.
Not being able to slot resistance also led to them taking away the defence buff enhancers from ninjas and increasing their defence, to compensate.
Bleah... at least we can still slot 'em with Healing-ench to increase their HP, right?
Also, they need to update their in-game help-files...
Healing only affects the effectiviness of their healing powers (siphon life for undead), not their HP.
Does it also increase their base health regen?
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.
Healing only affects the effectiviness of their healing powers (siphon life for undead), not their HP.
[/ QUOTE ]
You SURE about this? I'm pretty sure I saw something in the patch-notes recently about this being fixed... I guess the easiest way to find out is to check if a Robo MM's Drones can be slotted with Healing Ench, seeing as they don't have any self-healing moves...
for mercs at least, slotting heals is only possible with the first tier soldiers because one of them is a medic. You just cant slot heal encs at all in any other summon
So therefore, slotting heals only increases the strength of your henchmen's heals, not their hp
Thanks for the info... I really should know better than to believe in what the game's Designers tell me.
Does it also increase their base health regen?
[/ QUOTE ]Nope, unless they had a passive +regen power, which AFAIK none of them do.
According to the in-game help-file, it is possible to slot yoru henchmen with Defence Buff and Resistance Increase Enhancements, to increase their durability. However, this doesn't seem to be possible... at least not on my Necro MM. Are there other MM sets that allow this, or is it just an error in the help-texts? (Wouldn't be the first time...)