Sharkhead SF (Operative Renault), Sun 5th @ 2pm




I'm planning on running this CoV SF on Sunday 5th March at 2pm. Level range is 25-31 but obviously people above that can join in (but won't get xp) if you missed it (like me).

Info about the SF is here - it looks pretty straightforward with the only potentially tricky bit being the 2 AV's at the end.

Already got Dark Merchant and Feugo signed up, so there are 5 spaces free. Post here if you want in!
Gabriel Kane, Lvl 50 Mind/FF Controller
Lucius Kane, Lvl 36 Nec/Dark Mastermind



I'd like to join in on this one.



Ages since I did a SF (or a TF, for that matter...). A space reserved for Alathar would be much appreciated!



word of warning ppl b4 u take on calystix clear the room of all hybrids coz once u defeat him the eye awakes and it does horrible psi damgage. and is annoying try to fight hybrids and the eye.
Took my sg about 45mins to take out the eye with several deaths and someone staying back to tp the dead to go back in again.

Another handy tip is to fight the eye on the ledge on the far right coz anywhere else you carnt hit it unless ranged.

p.s dont stand at the beginig of the room the eyes in if u awake it coz it can hit you from miles away

final note good luck your need it


The Hordenly the strong survive



A little after the event, but thanks to all for a v good SF and particularly to Lucius/Gabriel for organising it!

A very professional team, with minimal faceplanting throughout and only the one loss while sorting the Eye at the very end (and the Eye itself only took 1-2 minutes - go Team Us! ).

6 bars, a shiny and several SOs of just the right level - loverly!



Was a great SF and a great team to do it with. Went really smoothly, earned some great inf and prestige, got some nice SO's, a shiny badge and the Coral Hammer. Thanks team, couldn't have done it without ya!
Gabriel Kane, Lvl 50 Mind/FF Controller
Lucius Kane, Lvl 37 Nec/Dark Mastermind