lvl 35+, which forms do you use?




This is a question for the 35+ PB's and WS's out there.

I teamed with a couple of other PB's this weekend and their playstyle and build differed quite a bit (the nice things about khelidians is the many builds and playstyles).

I was just wondering what forms people use and do you consider yourself to be a tri, duo (bi) or uni (single) form and do the forms you use differ if you're solo or in a team (assuming a "balanced" team)?

I consider myself to be triform, i suppose looking below i'm really 2.5 forms

In teams:

1. Nova
2. Human
3. Dwarf (used rarely unless getting mez'd)


1. Nova and Human equally
3. Dwarf when in trouble



I'm a quad form (Light form) Though if I have to use it, the poo has really hit the oscilatiing device...

But mainly triform rocks; though at level 42, I find I'm using dwarf form more often then I used too...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



my WS is a full scale tri-form, yet my PB just respec'd out of his dwarf and he is now just human.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



triform shade here...

normally I use dwarf the most, then as soon as I got 2 pets out, ill fire a nice eclipse, mires, then go nova for AoE mayhem. Basically I keep swapping forms like crazy.. just depends on the situation.

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Human only from 32 to 50



My Warshade is now officially a 3 form, but one of the forms is limited.

1. Human: most often used in combat. Has the advantage of Stamina and Hasten as well as showing of costumes.
2. Black Dwarf: used against tough bosses or if there is demand for a tanker in the team. At present my Dwarf powers aren't heavily slotted, but that will be corrected in the 40s.
3. Dark Nova: used only to fly. A squid shaped, level 6 travel power. I have not developed Dark Nova as a fighting machine at the moment.



By the mid to late 30s all my forms were pretty well slotted which meant I could fill any role require the team. Soloing I tended to use human form then light form for any tough bosses. I only use dwarf when I cant find a tank (and in the Shard that tp self is quite useful )

thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor



I used Nova and Dwarf until lvl 25 then forgot about slotting them and moved to a human build. Dwarf was my original Panic button but thats now Lightform, after dinging 50 and not using Dwarf or Nova for some 25 lvls i respec's them out and then got all 3 shields and now im not gonna look back



I'm a happy Tri-former.


Debtmeister General of The Plastic Army & Empire



Tri-Form here aswell, I swap forms depending on the situtation but I mainly stay in Nova if things allow it, both on solo and teams.
While soloing I use dwarf for quants/voids or tough bosses/EB.



Pure Human Build PB for me i found it the best way to go.



Human form only but with Light Form (which I use quite often) when facing an AV and his minions, and since in Light Form you can use all the human form powers I found them totally devestating.



Well I use my WS in Tri-From.

Human for buffs such as hasten and sunless and some attacking powers. Then I normally go straight into nova and blast away but if things are getting a bit heated I swap back into dwarf for some heals and resistance.